Social Networking Restrictions(facebook post)


5-Year Member
Mar 1, 2013
I am curious as to if you need to watch what you put on your facebook account, i know obviously not post drinking pics or anything of that nature which is not a problem seeing as I dont drink. I am more interested in political thoughts. As I tend to post many political pictures on facebook nothing bad just many pro 2nd amendment conservative value pictures. Can I get in trouble for something like this?
I am curious as to if you need to watch what you put on your facebook account, i know obviously not post drinking pics or anything of that nature which is not a problem seeing as I dont drink. I am more interested in political thoughts. As I tend to post many political pictures on facebook nothing bad just many pro 2nd amendment conservative value pictures. Can I get in trouble for something like this?

you can get in trouble for anything these days.

odds are you'll be fine, but to be safe:
1. Don't post anything stupid.
2. Use the facebook privacy settings to your advantage. You don't want someone you don't know seeing something on your profile and misinterpreting it. Short term, your beast cadre might look you up. Long term, a reporter might take something you said and use it to misconstrue you/the academy/the army, etc.
3. Go through your account every week or two and delete old stuff. Sharing a picture might get a few immediate responses, but no one is looking on your wall from two weeks ago to continue a conversation about gun control. Delete anything that isn't current and/or important.
4. Don't post anything stupid.
I am curious as to if you need to watch what you put on your facebook account, i know obviously not post drinking pics or anything of that nature which is not a problem seeing as I dont drink. I am more interested in political thoughts. As I tend to post many political pictures on facebook nothing bad just many pro 2nd amendment conservative value pictures. Can I get in trouble for something like this?
Err on the side of caution.
Remember that you'll be adding company mates, team mates, and occasionally even chain of command as "friends". You don't have to, but most end up doing it.

So now would be a good time to scrub your timeline for anything embarrassing or that you'd rather not have known.

Anything with the appearance of impropriety... that pic of when your sister dressed you up as a baby.... Responses to that uncle that posts political rants, etc. And that pic of you holding up your USMA appointment!!!

It's a good general rule independent of USMA.

DS has become much more selective about allowing people to tag him, and for family stuff prefers to tag his own pics.

Good rule of thumb: Don't comment or post anything which would not be good subject of conversation with a superior at a dinner... IE: Religion, politics, drugs, controversial hobbies, etc.
Agree with all of the above. My student simply dumped facebook as it is too easy for someone else to tag her/him inappropriately. There are other ways to keep in touch with friends that pose less risk of harm to your reputation.
Advice from one conservative to another: watch what you say about the President, he is going to be our boss soon.
Advice from one conservative to another: watch what you say about the President, he is going to be our boss soon.

aha this was funny but at the same time incredibly relevant, you don't want to have stuff on your wall that you wouldn't mind telling anyone (literally anyone) because you don't know who might look at it and you really don't want someone's first impression of you to be from something that was meant to be light hearted
the only problem with "dumping facebook" is then you don't know what pictures or whatever that other people could be posting about you. You might not have a facebook, but you're still on facebook...
I was just thinking about this again as R day is quickly approaching. Do you all think it would be a good idea to just make a new facebook, etc?
You can (it is possible to) tear down your FB page and start anew. BUT: your existing information is never really deleted - and this applies whether we are talking about Facebook, Twitter, emails, posts to open forums like this one, basically anything on the Interwebz. Better to change your habits. I'm sure your friends and acquaintances know where you stand in matters of politics. Let it stand at that. (Not everyone needs to know, or cares, what your political/religious points of view are, especially as you accede to officership.) You might consider whittling down the number of friends as well - for instance, removing almost anyone who has never posted on your wall and on whose wall you haven't posted. This, and adjusting your privacy and posting settings, decreases the chances you'll be inappropriately tagged or that someone will post something that could be interpreted by others as inflammatory on your wall.

One of the things you get used to as an officer candidate is not putting your opinion about everything out there.