Submitting clarifying info before DQ is issued?


5-Year Member
Dec 9, 2010
So . . . a long time ago an allergy doc told me that my mild "hayfever" like reaction to raw carrots was a cross pollen allergy. I listed that on my medical form. I also added that I avoid fish because one of my parents is allergic to fish-fatally. Of course, I've never been tested for fish allergies and probably didn't need to say that. Today I called to check on my DoDmerb records and found out that they are probably going to DQ me for ROTC scholarship because of this comment about fish. I have an appointment with an allergy doc Thursday who will test me for fish allergies (this is good for my own sake to know, right?) I will know within a few days if I am actually allergic to fish. Does anyone know if I can get these records up to DoDmerb before they boot me to the waiver line? Will they even consider it?
My suggestion:

Have the allergist send your medical records to Dodmerb. Write a letter explaining why you wrote the comment about fish - that it's your parent's medical history and NOT yours.
Follow up with Dodmerb to be sure they receive both documents. Even if they DQ you first they can remove it if they receive information that allows them to do so.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the encouraging words. I don't have my DQ letter but a really nice lady at DoDmerb told me what I need to do to apply for a waiver. They want me to get tested for fish allergies. It is genetic-40% chance I have it. I guess some of my angst is worrying that I may be allergic to fish, that may be a final DQ for any military service. I have been inspired to improve myslef academically and physically with this as a motivation. Will spend some time building more character.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 20:11
My best wishes and hopes that you don't have the allergy. However, if you do, I think you already have the right is fate and as much as YOU believe your path is the military, it just might not be.

Good luck. Keep up your positive perspective.