TFCC tear


5-Year Member
Nov 4, 2010
Hello all,
I just went to the doctor and he told me I might have a TFCC tear which is a ligament that acts as padding between your hand and wrist bones. I was wondering if it is indeed torn and I get surgery to fix it, will I need a medical waiver? I've already be Q'd by DODMERB.
You are required by DoDMERB (look at your qualification notice) to inform us when your medical condition changes. Until and unless you do that and we see what the real issues are, we won't be able to say for sure. Posting on this blog, is NOT the way to accomplish this task.:thumb:
Should I wait until I get the MRI to tell DODMERB? (what I was going to do) Or if I happen to need surgery, do I wait until then?
I say again, "You are required by DoDMERB (look at your qualification notice) to inform us when your medical condition changes." Your medical condition has changed now, all the rest will fall into place after you inform us:thumb: