Time consuming applications


5-Year Member
Aug 10, 2013
Between SA applications, nominations, and NROTC application, this process is consuming our lives. I'm not complaining. DS has a goal and we are here to support him and offer help when he asks for it. Just seems like our friends don't quite understand how much work it is...or maybe I'm the crazy one.

Is this normal to feel this way?
Yes, but if your DS or DD take a step back and organize it shouldn't be bad.

Recommend creating a checklist for all applications and your DS or DD should be able to see how similar they are.

For example, a theme can be developed to write application essays as most of them centers around why SA, why military, leadership challenges, and so on.

Sending SAT scores should only take about 5 minutes.

If your DS or DD feels SA application process is time consuming, might be in for a rude awakening if he or she gets to one.
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Heyriddle - You are right, it is very time consuming! Add to that the regular college applications.....
We made a checklist for each college, ROTC scholarship app, USMA, nominations sources that simply lists the name and then under it a list of items: transcript, SAT scores, recommendations, application, etc. It is all on 1 piece of paper so you can see at a glance what is left to do.
We tackled the "easy" stuff first - the application part, scores, etc. Have a stack of transcript requests, and a list of transcript requests for the colleges that have no form, and will be delivering those to guidance next week.
This weekend he will make a list of exactly which teachers he needs recs from and will develop a letter to give them to explain what he needs, and then ask them if they would like to write the rec for him.
DS is working on essays, first the ones that were "easier" for a few of the colleges, then the ROTC, and now working on USMA, which will also be used in part for the noms.
DS also wants to play his sport in college, so we are in constant contact with 6 different coaches, updating them on schedules, etc.
I think I get more nervous about him getting everything done in the next few weeks than he does! And yes, this college search has taken more time than my older 3 kids, and hopefully will work out the way DS wants in the end!
Those of us who have gone through the process believe that one of the reasons there are so many hurdles in the SA/ROTC application process is that it separates those who really want it from those who don't. I think the SAs might dispute that but . . .

The organization, determination, etc. that gets you through the process holds you in good stead when you actually reach a SA/ROTC.
As a parent that walked it 5 yrs ago, I get the feeling of OMG when will this paperwork end!?! It is normal feeling, but honestly, right now you have only just started the incline of the roller coaster ride. What you are hearing is the clickety clack going up. It will be a full yr of scheduling things. School visits, ROTC unit visits, DoDMERB exams, nom interviews.
~~~ Sorry....but that is what you are in for.

As a parent that watched her DS commission LY and is now ADAF at UPT, I look back and wish for those days. The stress of all of that is a heck of a lot less than when they meet their career field board. Or if the career field has a high wash out rate once AD.

No offense, but when you get a little further out you will laugh at how you thought this yr was the stressing yr. You will want this yr back. With every yr. the stakes get a little higher because the goal is that much closer.

Your friends and family that are not military will not get the pressure you feel as a parent because they don't understand the system. Many people until the awards ceremony for HS think that this is a cake walk. I mean how hard is it really to get an MOC nom...fill out the paperwork and you get one! Right? Seriously, some people think that. My MIL, thought that, and Bullet was an ADAF WSO for 20 yrs (AFROTC grad). They don't understand the slate process. What do you mean they have go to a doc 45 mins away, why can't you just go to your own doc? Why do they have to interview at X college ROTC if they are not applying to that school?

This is why this site is great. You are not abnormal. You are normal, and as you progress through it, understand the system even more, you will feel more comfortable.

Until that time....vent to us. We get it.
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Heyriddle, you are not crazy. It is a long and involved process. The other posters have great insight. Keep in mind it may, too, be a blind alley... no admission... at the end of it all. So one must keep an eye on plan B and C and be looking forward to those regular college applications and ROTC apps, if desired. Having been through the academy application does make the regular apps seem easier.
Daughters Rommate went to Stanford and one good friend to Universiy of Chicago. Their parents could not believe the application process for SA. It is a daunting process but well worth it. First Lt Parris Island. Looking at another thread on military pay she is making pretty good money considering in 1968 I made $90 Dollars a month as an E-1.:biggrin:
Thank you

Thank you so much for all the words of wisdom and encouragement. I've seriously had friends say some things that are so discouraging and the truth is that they don't get it. This is so much more than filling out the common app to see what happens. DS definitely has plan B and C because we all know this is no sure thing.
Our DS thought the Permit to Report package was even more paperwork than the original application.
The stress is hard, You almost don't mind the mountain of work if you knew what the results were in the end. I will walk up the hill backwards if I new when I got to the top all would be good...

The good news is, the process itself has value. While other seniors are out partying and ignoring their parents your senior is bonding with you over figuring out acronyms, Dodmerb exams, checking deadlines, and nomination packets. Even if the results are not what one would hope your child had to put together and accomplish a huge endeavor on his own (with you being their corner man). Some of the choices that my son(s) made senior year started out simply to improve their packet but turned out to be new passions, interests and talents.

My Freshman (high school) daughter is watching the process and says that her brother's are fierce for going through it.

Regarding friends, you think they think you are batty now? what until plebe summer when you drop your "baby" off for Iday, they look miserable, scared out of their mind, stressed and anxious...you wave good bye with a pretend smile... and you cant talk to them for weeks and weeks...that is when you really go batty and your friends think you've gone completely insane...

cpanddj1, Yes the permit to packet was a ton of the work, but the stress wasnt there, the worst that could happen was really more shots on Iday (which would have turned out to be the least of the Iday awfulness :rolleyes:
We all go insane during those four and a half years. Waiting for four years for a call once in a while during Plebe Summer. Then waiting for how they are doing when you do get a call during the academic year. Meet at some football games during the years. Then there is that great Graduation at the end (beginning).
D for done on the apps! Whew! Son even has 24 hours to spare. Dad will hand deliver to senator offices today...these make the academy apps look like a cakewalk! :shake: