To turn in these CFA scores or to not??


USMA 2015 Appointee
5-Year Member
May 2, 2010

Basketball Throw:
Average is 41 ft, I got 50.3 ft

Shuttle Run:
Average is 10 sec, I got 9.3 sec

Flexed Arm Hang:
Average is about 19 sec, I got 24 sec

Average is 68, I got 77

Average is 33, I got 44

Average is 8:06, I got 8:24

I am EXTREMELY worried about the mile - it was raining and freezing which affected it a little, not trying to make excuses though I know I should have done better. My ALO says I just need to get my file DONE and this is the last component....should I turn these in?! I don't want to risk failing..... Only worried about the mile but I know that failing one part of the test means failing the whole thing.


Thank you :)
You only want to show admissions your very best, however I know a female with a mile time around 9:40 who has already received appointment.

The rest of your scores are pretty solid, so my reccomendation would be to turn them so that your file is complete.

It is up to you, if you are comfortable with admissions reviewing those scores, them send them in, if not retake the CFA as soon as possible.

You should really turn your scores in asap. You will always have the chance to retake the test later on if it ever comes to that. Your scores look very solid, 20 seconds is not going to break your admissions file. So the best advice I can give is finish your file now, the fact that your file will be complete is more important than anything else!

Good Luck :)
Turn it in!!
You beat the averages on most of the events. Your results look quite strong!! My mile time was over a minute and a half past the average and I still passed.
If you do not do Varsity sports, I recommend you try and max as many events as you can.
Otherwise, submit your scores, since they're fine.
I have 7 Varsity Letters....I think that should back up my scores? I hope?! 4 Softball Letters and 3 Softball Letters...
Don't worry so much. I had a worse basketball throw than you did, I'm male, and I got in. Overall, you're above average, so if you're going to be DQ'd for something, it's not going to be this CFA score.