transcript request


5-Year Member
Aug 5, 2014
Hello, quick question! I was wondering if my school is suppose to send the USAFA Form 148 - Request for Secondary School Transcript directly to the USAFA or if I have to send it?
I believe you send it to them. Although christcorp is also correct, an official transcript needs to be sent in a sealed envelope by the school.

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Because schools get busy, my son went to his high school for the transcripts, class rank, senior schedule, and school profile during the summer. He brought a large envelope with him. Waited as they printed out what he needed. Asked them to put it in the large envelope (That he already had addressed) and had them put it through the postage meter and then put it in their outbound mail box.

Found that if you just go to them with a list of what you need mailed off and give them the address, they may or may not remember to get around to it. Obviously, for some this information isn't helpful, but for those who haven't done this part of their application yet, my advice is: This is YOUR APPLICATION. Take control of the process. If you really care about applying to the academy, then you need to make sure that things that need to be done by others is actually done. "Quickly". Just like the teacher's email address/online recommendations. You "Could" simply provide the academy with the teacher's email addresses like it asks. Or, you could be proactive and speak with the teachers first and let them know what you are doing. And for them to expect an email and not to let it get lost in their spam box. Check back with the teacher in about a week and see if they've seen the email from the academy. If not, contact your academy counselor and ask them if they've sent out the request. If so, have them re-send it. Etc...

Bottom line is; you may be 17-18 years old, but this is your application and your future. Don't rely on your mom and dad to get your application completed. Don't rely on the school to be proactive to take care of just you. They have hundreds or even thousands of other students to help. Be proactive. Go there in person. Most times, they'll spend the 15 minutes to take care of things while you're there so it won't be something they have to try and remember later.

Anyone that started their application in June has absolutely no reason in the world to not have their application 100% complete by now. You can give all the reasons in the world why it's not completed, but I've been through the process a couple of times in the past. There simply isn't any reason whatsoever for an application to not be completed by now. I've seen too many people who can do their online activity records, personal data, school transcripts, class schedule, teacher recommendations, CFA, medical, writing sample, etc... and make their application 100% in LESS than 45 days. If others can do it, so can anyone.

This post is not aimed or directed at the original poster. Those who know me, know that when I write or reply to a post, it's also intended to help the dozens or hundreds of others who are lurking or just reading these posts looking for answers and didn't actually make a post. Best of luck. Mike.....
Good Word Christcorp! DD started process right after summer seminar, application 100% complete 2 weeks ago. How? She owned it. Appreciate your posts.
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I think you can own it to a certain extent, but we're waiting on, for instance, my DS's 11th grade math teacher to go online and fill out the evaluation. We emailed him over the summer, finally found him the first week of school, he has the invitation letter in hand, but he still hasn't done the eval. DS will talk to him again today. It' been like pulling teeth with him. That's the last thing we're waiting for, besides the ALO interview so he can do the drug and alcohol statement, and that should happen this next week. Oh, and the CFA. He wants to give himself as much time as possible to train.:thumb:
There are candidates out there, who have had no parents serve in the military, are not on this site and don't have a mentor to guide them through this process. They don't really know some of the benefits to completing their applications early; they only see the final deadlines on the Academy/ROTC websites and are working toward completing their applications with that goal in mind. I don't know that that means they are less motivated, nor less likely to get an appointment, but they are simply not as informed of this process. All of us who have spent time on this forum know that sometimes the early bird gets the worm, especially when it comes to some of the rolling decisions of the NROTC/AROTC scholarship boards, etc. Once I get my DS through this process this year, I intend to work the HS where my children went to act as an unofficial liaison of this process. While the college counselor understands some of the requirements of the academy/ROTC scholarship processes, I don't think she really gets the whole picture of what it entails. If this is something that interests a student, they really need to work on their whole "package" beginning their Freshman year of HS to insure they get the leadership, academic, athletic, etc. aspects of their resume built. Can you imagine the student who now just discovers, and has an interest in an academy, at the start of their senior year? It would be tough to get everything done without a mentor. So, yes, I can see why someone would not have their applications completed at this time. Just because someone who has had this dream for a long time and is super motivated to get their packets done, does not mean they will be those most qualified candidate, or get the appointment in the end.
usmarotcfamily. I definitely agree with you in theory. However, this is a forum. Our posts are written on this forum. Others read these posts. My comment about there not being any reason a candidate can't finish their application by now, is obviously intended for those who read this forum. For them, they aren't ignorant. There really are no excuses.

I do want to mention that this process isn't simply a "Start" in June and have it finished up in 45-60 days. Applying to the academy should be a 2-3 year process. It is possible if you were college bound early and were already taking the AP classes or IB program, were involved with sports, leadership, EC, etc... then it's definitely possible that you only became interested in the academy recently. But when you're preparing for the application, to do it right doesn't mean logging in in June and starting. It means speaking with your teachers, counselors, school admin, etc... in March, April, May of your junior year. Getting them lined up so you can see them in the summer to get what you need done. Getting them prepared to do their teacher recommendations online.

Again, this information, suggestions, advice, etc... is intended for members of this forum. Unless they are new to the forum; e.g. last 2 months; they should have been preparing for the application process starting about 6 months ago. This includes CFA and any other aspect of the application. They should be ready to have this all done before school starts in the fall. Not that I don't care about those who apply who don't visit this forum; just that it's not the audience I am writing to. I have 9 applicants this year to the air force academy. Only 2 of them lurk this forum. That's their choice. And those 2 are pretty much done with their application. But I've interviewed them all and provided all the guidance I can. The rest is up to them. But those who do prepare for the application in the spring of their junior year normally don't have any problem getting their application completed before school starts.

I applaud you for wanting to help out in your school for future applicants. We actually have a program called "Prop and Wings" which are individuals who help their local ALO's with some of the kids. They don't do the interviews or forms and paperwork, but they do help with applicants, talking to counselors at schools, talking to 9th, 10th, and 11th graders, etc... Definitely check with your kid's ALO and mention you'd like to help out with the Prop and Wings program. They would definitely appreciate it. Mike....
I just want to add, I only found this forum after my DS decided he was really interested in applying to the Academy late in his junior year. We didn't know what the application process would entail; all the forms, evaluations, essays, etc. So we couldn't prepare teachers ahead of time. I think you do everything to the best of your ability, and then it's out of your hands. The decision makers will make their decisions. My DS couldn't change that he didn't participate in a sport because he was focused on JROTC drill and his leadership there. But he is who he is and we'll see if it's enough to get him a nom and then an appointment. We have gotten some really good advice since the process started though.:thumb:

We did it not knowing of forums or anyone else though the process, it was rough. The schools really don't know much and the Alo's are overwhelmed at least in California. The also are volunteers with lives and jobs and in ca a plethora of applicants. Lucky for us my daughter was very motivated and needed very little assistance from alo. We were however the first to contact our alo and the last accepted for our alo. Even made alo wonder. It all worked out however, sitting on pins and needles waiting for nomination was rough. Our school had an actual application process for transcripts you apply to each teacher through counseling office and supply all of the pre addresses and postage paid envelopes needed. That way counselor can help with lagging teachers and are more aware of deadlines. You can also get a vice principal or principal recommendation instead of one of teachers if I remember correctly. Get the min required in and let the math teacher be a bonus. Plus if it comes later it opens your file up for additional viewing as recommendations received can be added throughout process