USCC Pipes and Drums


5-Year Member
Apr 10, 2011
2015 Cadet Candidates

I am testing the water to see if there are any CCs out there who ALREADY know how to play the bagpipes or the drums and would like to join the band. If you dont know how to play either of these its not a big deal (you can find out more on Club Night) but right now we just want to see what the incoming class looks like.

The Pipes and Drums of the United States Corps of Cadets have a very exiting schedule planned for this year including international events as well as local and on-post events. To make this happen of course we need Cadets in the band so a good idea of our incoming plebes would be a great help for our planning over summer.

Will second this -- the USMA-hosted Tattoo [pipes and drums concert for a gathering of bands] this spring got little publicity, overshadowed by Sandhurst the same weekend, but provided a wonderful community event and an inspiring display of talent at Trophy Point. Take a look at the band's Facebook page - "USCC Pipes and Drums".