USNA student population by state.

If this is accurate, I'm shocked that my home state of PA isn't on there. I was told we were high up there. But judging by the list, it looks like I need to move to North Dakota :biggrin: only 8 appointed.
That surprises me as well. My plebe son tells me he meets "tons" of mids from PA, TX, MD and CA. We are from PA too.
Interesting to look at MIDN/MOC from these States just to get a feeling for how the Non-MOC slots (i.e., Presidential, JROTC, Sup, etc.) are distributed. For these top 5 States (assuming I did the math right): CA - 8 MIDN/MOC; TX - 8.7 MIDN/MOC; MD - 30 MIDN/MOC; VA - 22 MIDN/MOC; FL - 6.9 MIDN/MOC.

This translates to the following non-MOC slots filled in these States: CA - 167; TX - 141; MD - 250; VA - 221; FL - 55.

One could interpret this data to say that the 'very competitive' States are indeed competitive from a MOC perspective but get a disproportionate share of the non-MOC slots and therefore aren't much different than the 'non-competitive' States. Especially when you consider that the bottom States actually have fewer MIDN than their 5/MOC allowance (only 3 MOCs for the bottom 6 listed here except NH which has 4).

Geekin' out on the stats...
Could it be those states get MOC slots (or charged) off the national list to other states' MOCs? Meaning for example WY has a potential (totally made up) of 20 total slots but only 5 charged mids in attendance so some from CA who were on the CA slates actually got charged to WY.
To the best of my knowledge, mids cannot be charged to a state/district of which they are not a resident; rather, the "extras" from some states are charged to SecNav (as well as President and others). The slots that aren't taken in, say, WY remain open to be used in future years.