What info does the BGO know?


5-Year Member
Nov 8, 2011
My interview with my BGO is scheduled. In the email to schedule this he referred to my "Student Summary Print Out". Does anyone know what information my BGO officer already knows? I plan on giving him my resume but I dont want to repeat what he already knows.
I wouldn't really worry about repeating information. We essentially only have SAT/ACT scores and dates you submitted your application parts. It is possible that the SAT/ACT score, on file, might not be the latest or even your best ones --- so I would still include your scores.
The "print out" contains almost nothing about you. Check out my sticky above on BGO Interviews -- I have stated what the BGO knows and doesn't know. Much more in the latter category.:rolleyes:
Jadler and 1985 are right on point; your BGO will have only skeletal info on you at best. If you'd like to make some points I'd suggest you prepare a brief resume summarizing your academic, athletic, community service accomplishments, your sources of encouragement and inspiration re military service, and how you came to become interested in the service academies. This will help frame your interview and save your BGO a good bit of writing making it possible to focus more time on getting to discuss your progress and what you should be doing to complete your file.