what new cadet should bring

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I know it goes on our clothing, but where on our clothing?
Does the underwear have to be white? I bought black ones because white ones are more prone to stains and I thought black would be better in the long run.

STAINS? Try wiping yourself more carefully
No, they will be stained from all the dust and dirt out in Jacks...it's pretty much unavoidable, but do whatever the instructions say, they aren't suggestions.
If they don't bring cleats, are they issued athletic shoes or are they playing in boots? Thanks!

They will be issued athletic shoes. They will all be "uniform". There might be a slight color variance between Men's and Women's but other than that they will be the same brand.
I feel like I should know this, but I'm still a bit unclear. When people speak of "luggage" being dropped - the extensive paperwork will be on DS's person, and other than that it's underwear, tee shirts, toiletries, and optional cleats. These will be in the "left hand" bag that will be carried around all day, right? I'm not sure what other luggage there would be. Also - when do they lose their watch, phone, and civilian clothes? Does there need to be room in their left hand bag for those, or will suitable storage be provided? If they don't bring cleats, are they issued athletic shoes or are they playing in boots? Thanks!

For my I-day I literally brought my clothes on my back and all the paperwork the required items I needed. That is it! You can bring extra things like compression shorts and cleats (both which will be useful past basic, think training and intramurals). But most stuff that you need WILL be issued to you. The staff that runs basic has done it for a very long time and know what they are doing and what a basic needs to do well. The "luggage" is that backpack or more full of the extra stuff.

To answer your question about the extra stuff (the contraband), it will be collected the first day. Your basic will be issued uniforms to wear and will be in them by the end of the day (when they get to go to their squad.)