Would this disqualify me?


5-Year Member
Jul 5, 2011
I have a big, ugly birthmark on the back on my neck (much worse looking than a normal one) that I have had since I was little. I've gone to dermatologists several times (wanted different opinions) and they have all said that it was fine, and that if I wanted to get rid of it I could but it was in no way necessary.
My question is: will the DoDMERB disqualify me for it? And it I do get it removed, will having a surgical procedure on my record disqualify me?
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Do that. But, in my honest opinion, DO NOT DO SURGERY BEFORE ASKING DODMERB IF THAT IS OKAY!!!!!!

I HAVE HEARD THAT, IN SOME SITUATIONS, THAT MIGHT DISQUALIFY YOU. JUST SAYING. But definitely don't quote me on this, I am just a candidate.

Just tried to get your attention - concatc the DODMERB office ASAP. PLEASE.
Well,if you were my DS I would advise you to leave it alone. You have a non issue that you will make into an issue. You will have to explain the surgery or procedure to DodMerb. I am not saying that you would be DQ'd--I'm just saying that as of now you have nothing to report, no explanations to give, etc. You have your entire life to get rid of it if it still bothers you. Good luck