Multivitamins during Plebe Summer


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Apr 10, 2009
Are we allowed to have multivitamins sent in a care package during Plebe Summer?
They may let you keep them but in most instances I think the cadre would take them away. I wouldn't worry about it for the 6 weeks of the summer.
How did anyone pass Plebe Summer without all this stuff in the past, I wonder? :confused:
Heh...if you're thinking about using a vitamin to stave off the plebe-hack, don't bother. Your pleber will get it no matter what. Kids today could use the swift kick to the immune system anyway.

As far as creatine goes, that's not something you need anyway, and yes, they will take it away.
What is it with all this "taking away?" I can't remember anything we weren't allowed to have other than stereos -- and those were tough to hide in a care package.:shake:

And, what is the "cadre" or whatever they're called doing going through your stuff? Reminds me of the TSA . . . :rolleyes:
What is it with all this "taking away?" I can't remember anything we weren't allowed to have other than stereos -- and those were tough to hide in a care package.:shake:

And, what is the "cadre" or whatever they're called doing going through your stuff? Reminds me of the TSA . . . :rolleyes:

I miss the good ol' days.

No radios or TV's. That's it. I even had an electric razor.

Oh, and it was "detailers", not "cadre". I HATE the word "cadre".
I miss the good ol' days.

No radios or TV's. That's it. I even had an electric razor.

Oh, and it was "detailers", not "cadre". I HATE the word "cadre".

I'm going to miss wearing a watch more than anything.
You're probably better off without the multivitamins anyway.

Don't sweat the creatine since it would provide absolutely no benefit during plebe summer. Basic training is primarily comprised of running and hi-rep calisthenics. Creatine only affects short duration (~10 seconds or less), maximum intensity movements. It has applications in powerlifting (back squat, deadlift, bench press, etc) and olympic lifting (snatch/clean and jerk), but I somehow doubt that you will be doing much olympic lifting during plebe summer :wink:
I remember we had watches . . . most of us got the cheap Timex ones that "took a licking and kept on ticking.":smile:

I find it somewhat ironic that, the military, which will make you a slave to your watch for the rest of your life, starts you out on your career w/o one.

Of course, we didn't have computers, cell phones, I-Pads, I-Pods, I-Phones, computer games, and a host of other things today's kids take for granted. The only thing we wanted and didn't get was a stereo -- got that around finals time of second semester.
They are called detailers still. But every once in awhile you here someone say cadre.

And they'll take everything away, but if you're not a geriatric why would you want a multivitamin?
They are called detailers still. But every once in awhile you here someone say cadre.

And they'll take everything away, but if you're not a geriatric why would you want a multivitamin?

Just a random question I guess, not that it will affect my performance over the summer.
Why do they check all of this trash….
A) fat bodies not following the meal plans assigned
B) Food that spoils while shipped
C) And Parents of America who cannot follow directions.

A) Why are fatbodies at USxA to begin with?

B) Kinda sucks for the Mid who gets it. If it's found, then punish the Mid.

C) Punish the Mid. End of story. Why we are listening to parents is yet another indication of the wussification of the Officer Corps.

In my........ Youngster year? Anyway, some ditz female plebe got reamed for not knowing her menu. Pretty routine, right?

Well, she whined to her mom, who *****ed out the President (how that hapened I'll never know), who spoke to SECDEF, who spoke to SECNAV, who spoke to SUP....

Yeah, well. You can imagine. :mad:

Well, it didn't quite go as planned for her. From then until she quit, she had to recite her Chain of Command as, "Myself, My Mommy, The President..."
In 1990, when I got my personal trainer and youth fitness advisor license, the obesity rate was averaging around 10%-15%. Today America's obesity rate is averaging between 20% and 25% with some states reaching over 30%. One would hope that the service academies, and the military in general, wouldn't lower their standards to accomodate an ever-growing (literally) population, but I wonder if this might be a cause of more strict regulation on food stuffs.

On the multi vitamin question, if you eat well-balanced meals there is no need to take a multi-vitamin. In fact, you can cause damage to your kidneys if you over do the vitamins, besides the fact that many of the vitamins and minerals in a multi aren't easily absorbed by your body. Eating healthy foods is a much better option. Besides, it sounds like you are definitely going to need the calories!