Plebe Hack


10-Year Member
Apr 3, 2008
To the Plebe parents a heads-up.

In the scheduled upcoming phone call and in future letters you are going to hear that your son or daughter is sick. The symptoms are usually a sore throat, light fever, coughing, and generally feeling like crap. There is a name for this malady and it is called Plebe Hack.

It happens every year and is the result of close proximity living, poor hygiene, and kooties that just seem to live forever in Bancroft. Got a text from my Mid yesterday that Plebe Hack is starting to run rampant through the plebes. Overall it is nothing to be concerned about and the Detailers do keep an eye out for anything that looks more serious that the standard Hack.
Thanks for the heads up, Dad. Told mine to take care of himself and not be a "hero" - best to treat a cold and not pneumonia, shin splints and not a broken leg. Appreciate knowing what to expect.
To the Plebe parents a heads-up.

In the scheduled upcoming phone call and in future letters you are going to hear that your son or daughter is sick. The symptoms are usually a sore throat, light fever, coughing, and generally feeling like crap. There is a name for this malady and it is called Plebe Hack.

It happens every year and is the result of close proximity living, poor hygiene, and kooties that just seem to live forever in Bancroft. Got a text from my Mid yesterday that Plebe Hack is starting to run rampant through the plebes. Overall it is nothing to be concerned about and the Detailers do keep an eye out for anything that looks more serious that the standard Hack.

I don't recall "Plebe Hack" being part of the vernacular before Bancroft Hall became air-conditioned. I don't remember any of us wheezing and coughing. All we did was sweat 24/7. I think we sweated all the germs out of our system. Even the germs could not withstand the heat. :smile:
I don't recall "Plebe Hack" being part of the vernacular before Bancroft Hall became air-conditioned. :smile:

What are we talking about? Legionnaire's Disease?? I can't imagine that there isn't a huge moldy-mouse poop issue along with traditional mold feeding the Hack!
Nope! "Plebe Hack" is a recurrent Plebe problem. They scream and yell all day long in response to Detailers and loose their voice. (Detailers loose thiers also) Then they are tired, stressed, submerged in water and at times depressed. They get a cough and their voice is raspy. It is not the Hantavirus. Bancroft and Air Conditioning depends upon where you are in Bancroft.:biggrin:
I don't recall "Plebe Hack" being part of the vernacular before Bancroft Hall became air-conditioned. I don't remember any of us wheezing and coughing. All we did was sweat 24/7. I think we sweated all the germs out of our system. Even the germs could not withstand the heat. :smile:

It's still like that at West Point..... :rolleyes:
son's plebe hack was strep....spent a 1/2 hour with doctor and was sent on his way with meds. For my plebe, everything worked out fine. didn't miss any activities or PEP, and the antibiotics did their job.