TA-50 Question


Warrior from the Start
5-Year Member
May 19, 2010
I was getting ready for my ruck march today and realized that I have an outrageous of gear. Am I supposed to bring it with me to the Academy? Do they issue everyone out new gear? If we do not keep out gear, do they have a turn-in there? I am deployed right now and if I get the all-clear for this year everything will happen real fast. My unit is unique and everything I have is RFI. Any advice or comments would be great, I did a forum search and the post that closely resembles my question didn't provide any answers.
Everything we need will be issued. I intend to only bring extras I wish I had at basic the first time, IE compression shorts and extra green socks. AFAIK I'm being redeployed early to PCS Fort Hood and out process to separate from active duty, so from a paperwork stand point, I'm starting over completely. Which means, all current TA-50 gets turned in. Confirmation would nice, I am slightly curious.
I was getting ready for my ruck march today and realized that I have an outrageous of gear. Am I supposed to bring it with me to the Academy? Do they issue everyone out new gear? If we do not keep out gear, do they have a turn-in there? I am deployed right now and if I get the all-clear for this year everything will happen real fast. My unit is unique and everything I have is RFI. Any advice or comments would be great, I did a forum search and the post that closely resembles my question didn't provide any answers.

You will turn in all "your" gear before you come here. (it is actually the government's gear) Once you are here, you will be issued TA-50 that will be turned in once you graduate and you will be reissued some at your new unit.
You will turn in all recoverable items. A gpod amount of RFI gear will never appear on your clothing record, and thus you will keep some things.

Log onto AKO and pull up your clothing record under Self Service > My Clothing. Because you'd be going to WP, you'd turn in all items marked PCS and/or ETS.
Can I turn items in that I have back in the states to any CIF? I don't have a typical "home station" so the stuff I could return to Kuwait/Qatar is only the stuff I have out here. If I can turn in the rest to any CIF would you recommend turning them to WP's or do I need to go to the closest base to my home of record (Michigan)?

Thank you for your answers they have been very helpful and exactly what I needed to know!
Pull up your clothing record. On the upper left of the data block at the top, it should have a category labeled "Home CIF." That's the CIF you have to clear. You can't turn it in to any CIF, unfortunately. You have an open clothing record at your home CIF which you'll need them to close. And they want their inventory back.
Alright I see it, Fort Knox. Luckily it's the closest base to my home of record. Thanks again SP!