Could you pass the old Naval Academy Admission Examination?


10-Year Member
Dec 9, 2009
I thought this was really interesting. It was a three day exam, each day was 4-6 hours long. I left off the algebra, geometry, arithmetic, spelling, and grammar portions! This part was essay and "spelling, grammar, punctuation and general neatness" were part of the grading. This book has tons of past exams.

Examination Papers for Admission to the United States Naval Academy

SERIES HO. 28.—APRIL, 1911.


Question 1.
(a) Where are the following capes: (1) Point Barrow; (2) Sable; (3) St. Roque; (4) Farewell; (5) Land's End?
(b) Give the approximate latitude and longitude of (1) New York, (2) London.
(c) Explain the meaning of (1) latitude, (2) longitude, (3) horizon.
(d) Explain briefly the cause of tides.
(e) Define (1) monsoon, (2) magnetic poles, (3) equinox, (4) atoll.
Question 2.
(a) Give a general description of the physical features of one State of the Union, describing rivers, land elevations, soil, climate, and natural productions.
(b) Where are the following bodies of water: (1) North Channel; (2) Gulf of Aden; (3) Smith Sound; (4) Windward Passage; (5) Magellan Straits; (6) Gulf of Guayaquil; (7) Sea of Marmora; (8) Lake Baikal?​

Question 3.
(a) What is the fastest route by which-a traveler from New York can go around the world? Mention the means of transportation between the various points.
(b) Compare China and the United States as regards population.
(c) Where is the Gatun Dam, and what is its purpose?
(d) Name five of the seven largest cities in the United States, according to the Thirteenth Census.
(e) How does the largest city in the United States rank with the largest cities in the world?
Question 4.
(a) Name the capitals of the following States: (1) Maine; (2) Kentucky; (3) Montana; (4) Arkansas; (5) Nevada; (6) Tennessee; (7) Oregon; (8) Missouri?
(b) The following rivers form part of the boundaries of what States: (1) Connecticut; (2) Missouri?
(c) Where are the chief (1) coal fields, (2) oil regions, (3) iron mines of the world?
(d) Describe a possible inland waterway from Montreal through New York to Richmond, Va., naming in order the various rivers, lakes, and canals traversed.

Question 1.
Give accounts of the following: (a) The settlement of Georgia; (b) Braddock's expedition; (c) Spanish settlements in the present territory of the United States; (d) King Philip's War.​

Question 2.
Give accounts of the following: (a) The Boston Tea Party; (b) the surrender of Cornwallis; (c) the battle of Princeton; (d) the treason of Arnold.​

Question 3.
Give accounts of the following: (a) The causes and results of the War of 1812; (b) the administration of Andrew Jackson; (c) the Kansas-Nebraska Act; (d) the Lincoln-Douglas debates.​

Question 4.
(a) Give accounts of the following: (1) Sherman's march to the sea; (2) the capture of Fort Fisher by the Union forces; (3) the spoils system, and civil-service reform.
(b) Write a few lines about each of the following: (1) Grover Cleveland; (2) Edmund Andrus; (3) United States banks; (4) Cyrus W. Field; (5) acquisition of Alaska.​


Question 1.
(a) Discuss the progress made by the Chaldeans in arts and sciences.
(b) What did the Phoenicians contribute to civilization?
(c) Tell of the rise and fall of the Persian Empire.
(d) Describe the physical features of Greece, and explain their influence on its history.​

Question 2.
(a) Draw a map of Greece and her colonies and locate the following: (1) Corinth; (2) Eubcea; (3) Mount Parnassus; (4) Plattea; (5) Aegina; (6) Mantinea; (7) Alpheus River; (8) Cheronea; (9) Corcyra; (10) Mytilene.
(b) Give a summary of the principal events during the Macedonian supremacy.
Question 3.
(a) Give the causes of the First Punic War, and the year of its beginning and of its ending.
(b) Give the dates marking the duration of Augustus Caesar's reign. What were the territorial limits of the Roman Empire at this time?
(c) Give the date and principal provisions of the Treaty of Verdun.
(d) What was the policy of Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand)? Outline the events in which he had part.
Question 4.
(a) What was the Council of Clermont?
(b) Explain for what the Medicis were famous,
(c) Describe the ecclesiastical policy of Henry VIII.
(d) Give the approximate dates of the rule of the House of Valois. Who of this family was in your opinion the greatest? Give your reasons.​

Question 5.
Briefly explain who or what are the following: (a)Naseby; (b) Charlotte Corday; (c) Court of the Star Chamber; (d) Porfirio Diaz; (e) Handel; (f) Tolstoi; (g) Treaty of Tilsit; (h) Garibaldi; (i) Sedan; (J) Ghibellines.​
I'm guessing there was some type of study guide for this? If not I wouldnt have a chance in hell of getting more than 50% right
Actually I'll bet there was NOT a "study guide" for this.

"Waaay back then..." this was normal education for a student. I showed it to my father-in-law...he just turned 79.

He went through a lot of the questions and started to answer them aloud...said he'd need a paper and pencil for the math ones but was confident. He said this was like his schooling in the 1940's...

He grew up on a farm in Colorado.

That's a sad statement about our educational system...the 1940's kids were taught more with less everything.

Wasn't there a study out a few yrs ago where they said the avg 5th grader could not point out Italy, or England on a map?
That's a sad statement about our educational system...the 1940's kids were taught more with less everything.

Wasn't there a study out a few yrs ago where they said the avg 5th grader could not point out Italy, or England on a map?

Italy? Most can't ID the 50 US states on a map and some probably don't even know how many states there are . . . :rolleyes:
Hey! The President thought there were Fifty Seven States. Remember the speech in Oregon?
USNA1985 said:
Most can't ID the 50 US states on a map and some probably don't even know how many states there are . . .

50 states, I thought there were 52...oops that is a deck of cards:shake:

This was a 1930 exam, I would love to see how it changed every decade. I bet there would be a decade marker that it really changed.

If you take the time and read this link, it really is amazing and telling how far we have fallen when it comes to U.S. History and English.

"What were Jackson's political principles?" I don't think APUSH kids could answer that, let alone the avg hs student.

"Of eminent American writers, name 2 poets, 2 historians, 2 novelists, and 2 essayist, together with 1 work of each."
Again, maybe an APLIT or APENG student could, but I would think essayist would be a stretch for them.

If you look even deeper it goes back to 1919.

I have to say I don't know what the "Albany plan of Union" was. Don't even ask me the follow ups of what circumstances called it forth, nor what came of it.

WOW, we really are failing our children.
If you take the time and read this link, it really is amazing and telling how far we have fallen when it comes to U.S. History and English.

Yes, but wasn't there less history to learn 100 years ago than there is today?
I'm pretty sure I would have flunked that test. Being as it was offered in 1911, I guess I'd have just been happy to have made it to the age where I could take the exam without getting polio.
Thanks for the link - my dad speaks of this test - he will enjoy this link.
larrys mom
Yes, but wasn't there less history to learn 100 years ago than there is today?

Why? Not much has happened since then. :shake:

But seriously, in 1911 its probable that these candidates had talked to someone who fought in the Civil War or certainly talked to someone who talked to someone who did. So yeah, there was less to learn. That, of course, doesn't excuse what passes as education now.
It is a great shame that current students can't identify any History.:thumbdown:
thought i would pass along tidbits from those old days - my dad is thrilled to get to see the exam - as he recounts to me, in his day - mid-late 40's - as I understand it, a candidate may have received his MOC prinicpal nom, then the academy would set up this test, your phyiscal and aptitutde test. My dad, at 17, attending the Un of Missouri, like others with college credits, didnt have to take the entrance exam IF you had successfully completed 1 year of college with specific number of credits per subject. So my dad is thrilled to get to see the exam. He also says that the people at NAPS, had to successfully pass this exam at the end of NAPS for appointment. larrys mom
The only thing that makes me feel better is that this test was made before WWI. I'd say I know the least amount of information about the Civil War, but that may be because there were Civil War classes that you could take and the other history teachers decided that they could teach least about that... Should I have taken those Civil War classes?
I would walk away from that test hoping for a lofty curve.