What are you giving up for Lent?


10-Year Member
Retired Moderator
Oct 31, 2008
Me -
it was a toss up between Diet Coke and meat.
Final decision - no meat for the next 40 days. :thumb:
For 40 days of lent I give up Christianity and become a Jew like my wife.

Kidding....I don't give up anything.
I gave up religion years ago. It's a sacrifice I still make.

Does that count?
Me -
it was a toss up between Diet Coke and meat.
Final decision - no meat for the next 40 days. :thumb:

Every year our family gives up eating at restaurants for Lent. It is really difficult to do when you have both parents working and kids involved in many activities. We just have to do a lot of meal-planning and prep work. It also saves a bunch of money as a side benefit!

I overdosed as a child and the Nuns made me pay for it:thumb: I think they get back at me every Shrove Tuesday. The Cresent City on that day is something to behold.
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I just want to try to be a better Christian. Each and everyday. There are days when it is very hard to follow HIM.

Thanks and God Bless you all,

I gave up second helpings and facebook. And I have started running two miles 4-5 times a week and doing negatives to help my pull-ups. The latter two will have to be dropped the week before swimming state champs though ;)
Lent and Jesus are that extra bit of inspiration I need to work hard.
Sounds like something that was in the mystery basket on "Chopped" (Food Network Show for those of you who aren't familiar).

Originally suggested by Huckleberry Finn. To be worthy of a basket on the Chopped show, it would also have to contain shark's liver, rice krispies, and MRE powdered coffee.
I don't usually "give up" anything for Lent. One, my weak human nature can never last 40 days for whatever it is that I've decided to give up. And two, I figure that there isn't one thing I could give up that's equivelant to the sacrifce Jesus made for me. So I always thought it was kind of a sham to try and "give something up". No offense to those of you that are actually doing it!! However...

This year has been an especially challenging one with DS now 16, and deciding future plans, and to live with "real mom", or DH and myself. So I've found myself praying a bit more than usual. For myself, for DS, and lots of things. Then I thought... how cool would it be if I made everyday prayer a HABIT?! I can ALWAYS find something to pray about... even if it's just "Thank you Lord for waking me up today"! So... I'm not 'giving up'... I'm 'adding' this Lenten season. Goodluck to, and may God bless us, all!

Not meant to be a sacrifice... meant to be a good habit I'm adding, not something I'm trying to 'give up'.

Thank you for the encouragement!!
My friend just asked me to go the casino with her today because she said she gave up computer games for lent! I said, "so you are going to the casino for religious reasons?" :shake:
Sadly I have another appointment so I will get to keep my money today :thumb: