ROTC and the times we live in

Great article, I strongly recommend that everyone take the few minutes to read this.
A few more things

The civilians and Cadre of Norwich ROTC also get to pass on good news which Sophia did when she called our house a few years ago. She is a very good person. Many of the staff are combat veterans. They also pass on their great experience and direction to the students in class and in training. They get to see the seemingly lost Freshman develop into a leader. Each young man and women is different. They really try to develop and give each of them a chance. Personnally, I cannot thank them enough.
A couple things I have questions about...

1) Am I to read into this that there may be a few Norwich (non-scholarship) cadets who passed DoDMERB and kept their noses clean (passed APFT and no legal issues) who will not receive commissions due to the reduced contract numbers?

2) I was surprised that it was the 2nd non-felony issue was where you got your walking papers. It seems that I'm hearing the first is your last in most cases (e.g. MIP). Is there a seprate class of misdemeanor for alcohol issues?

Thanks for the link. I think it shows how quickly a life can change. So many things can happen that will disqualify - both things in your control (APFT and behavior) and not in your control (medical history and health issues arising during your college years). Always good to have plan B, C, D, ...
I don't have link, but would just like to add what DS shared while he's home for Easter. Apparently cadets who are National Guard/Reserve members are getting thru BCT and during their time in AIT are getting "walking papers", he named the form, but I cannot remember exactly what it was called - end result, due to attitude, performace at BCT or current AIT performance issues they are not just being denied SMP/Contract opportunites but even Guard/Reserve service. WAKE UP call...when even the Guard and Reserves are getting selective it seems to be a whole new world....

I forwarded the link to DS, appreciate that you all share these items with us!
I don't have link, but would just like to add what DS shared while he's home for Easter. Apparently cadets who are National Guard/Reserve members are getting thru BCT and during their time in AIT are getting "walking papers", he named the form, but I cannot remember exactly what it was called - end result, due to attitude, performace at BCT or current AIT performance issues they are not just being denied SMP/Contract opportunites but even Guard/Reserve service. WAKE UP call...when even the Guard and Reserves are getting selective it seems to be a whole new world....

I forwarded the link to DS, appreciate that you all share these items with us!

Indeed, being at the top of your game seems more important then ever.
A couple things I have questions about...

1) Am I to read into this that there may be a few Norwich (non-scholarship) cadets who passed DoDMERB and kept their noses clean (passed APFT and no legal issues) who will not receive commissions due to the reduced contract numbers?

2) I was surprised that it was the 2nd non-felony issue was where you got your walking papers. It seems that I'm hearing the first is your last in most cases (e.g. MIP). Is there a seprate class of misdemeanor for alcohol issues?

Thanks for the link. I think it shows how quickly a life can change. So many things can happen that will disqualify - both things in your control (APFT and behavior) and not in your control (medical history and health issues arising during your college years). Always good to have plan B, C, D, ...

1) Yes, and reduced contract numbers are going to be the norm at all colleges. The direction from Cadet Command will be determined by DOD. Meeting the standard minimums will not be enough for now. From my experience though it can change on a dime. You never know if the economy or world situations may change the current reality in a year or two.

2) Each situation is different in terms of medical and legal issues. Cadet Command will decide based on the needs they are presented with.

It is good to have a Plan B but do not walk away from Plan A until they tell you too. You never know, they may be desperate for officers in a couple of years.

Good Luck to all
It is good to have a Plan B but do not walk away from Plan A until they tell you too. You never know, they may be desperate for officers in a couple of years.

A likely scenario, given "the times we live in".

It will be interesting how this will play out for the class of 15 or 16, because if they can't get the numbers down how will the guard be able to commission them.

As others have stated this can change on a dime. People tend to forget that until we can get out of this unemployment issue those in who have passed their commitment owed, not up for promotion will be more likely to stick it out, because a paycheck is a paycheck, regardless of the amount.

If they do not get out, they slow down the pipeline for those entering.

According to Col. Smith, the Army is “drawing down to a force of about 490,000.” While currently just over that goal at just over 500,000, the Army department is unable to go over their set number of contracts as they had been able to in past years.

Reading in the article the upside is they are only 10K over their quota of 490K max. However, because they are over, the downside is they can't contract right now.

Bringing us back full circle to that political quote yrs ago about the economy, until AD members start leaving for the corporate world, or the Army imposes RIFs, VSSP, SERBS, etc., they will have to figure a way to balance the numbers.

ROTC usually takes a hit in this scenario. It will take an even harder hit for every branch because DOD has announced the closure of @3 dozen ROTC units (A/AF/N) across the nation.
ROTC usually takes a hit in this scenario. It will take an even harder hit for every branch because DOD has announced the closure of @3 dozen ROTC units (A/AF/N) across the nation.

Sorry to go OT, but...

I remember the announcement that they were going to reduce the number of campuses, but have they actually got the list yet?
I doubt it goalie, right now they have a ballpark number and from there they will start placing the campuses on a "hit list".