Opto exam


5-Year Member
Jan 4, 2012
The doctor said I lack 3D vision with the glasses on and reading a book. However, I see 3D effects in movies and he said my vision is correctable to 20/20. Would this "lack of 3D" vision disqualify me? Has anyone gone through this? Thank you in advance
The doctor said I lack 3D vision with the glasses on and reading a book. However, I see 3D effects in movies and he said my vision is correctable to 20/20. Would this "lack of 3D" vision disqualify me? Has anyone gone through this? Thank you in advance

Is the doctor from DoDMERB? If so, this could lead to a DQ. The parameters for vision are different for each Academy and each branch of ROTC. You might want to direct your question to: helpdesk@dodmerb.tma.osd.mil. Be sure to include your last name and last 4 digits of your SSN. Best wishes. :thumb:
My DS has the same thing. He wasn't DQ'd for Naval service and is now active duty Ensign in the Navy, but he was not able to go flight. So you need to prepare yourself that you may not have the same options as somebody with perfect vision.