How Army ROTC GPA is calculated for graduate students?


5-Year Member
Dec 23, 2012
Hey everyone,

Does anyone here know if the undergrad MS3 courses we take as grad students count toward our GPA for OML purposes? On my school transcript my ROTC courses are only counted in my undergrad GPA. I would hope that the Army combines our Grad school GPA plus ROTC GPA.

Hey everyone,

Does anyone here know if the undergrad MS3 courses we take as grad students count toward our GPA for OML purposes? On my school transcript my ROTC courses are only counted in my undergrad GPA. I would hope that the Army combines our Grad school GPA plus ROTC GPA.


I expect only Clarksonarmy or Marist have the knowledge to answer this question on these boards. Ask your cadre. Given they have someone in this situation in their unit I would expect they either know the answer or need to find out the answer.
If Clarkson or Marist don't come along and answer, PM me. We have a guy in my unit that is in Law School and ROTC. He was in law school during his MS3 year and I can ask him how it affected his gpa. It could still be school dependent, so your best bet would to still talk to your cadre.
Everything I'm reading in the regs indicates that the school establishes your GPA, so if your school isn't giving you credit for your ROTC classes then it will be up to your Battalion to modify your GPA to account for the grade. We had a partner school that didn't give credit for ROTC class. We would recalculate the GPA after the semester to add in the ROTC grade. I would imagine Grad programs that don't take ROTC credit into account would be handled the same way. You need to check with your Battalion though to make sure that is the case.
Thanks everyone for the helpful replies! Clarksonarmy my ROTC credit is counted in my undergrad transcript, however for OML purposes my grad school GPA is only factored in. When I get back to school and ask my cadre, I'll update you all on what I found out.
Update Everyone! My cadre informed me that ROTC gpa is combined with my grad school GPA. Even though it does not show up on my official transcripts as combined GPA, My cadre said they would combine both GPA's when it comes to the accessions process next fall.
Yup...makes sense...we had one school that didn't give credit for ROTC class in the past and I had to recalculate all the GPA by adding in our grades for our HRA every semester for OML calculation.