Wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth


5-Year Member
Apr 4, 2010
Wisdom teeth? You got em? KP doesn't want em!

Waiver? Forgettaboutit even if you get one.

Got Wisdom teeth?

No being cleared for Sea Duty for you!

Got a letter signed by yer doc? Ixnay on the etter-say!

It comes up year after year.

Get them out well befor reporting for Indoc.

Wisdom Teeth?:tank:

Not so much!
Wile I agree with Lynpar on this... However, I wouldn't necessarily preach doing them before indoc. We're closer than you think to indoc, if it got reported to dodmerb you'd need a 6 week window from the time you were fully healed, until you get medically cleared again. We're a little more than 13 weeks away from the start of indoc, and by the time you schedule an appointment that does not leave a lot of fuddy duddy if complications were to arise. There is a waiting list at KP, and because the academy hasn't invested a single penny in you, should some unforeseeable complication arise it would be a lot easier to just give you the boot, and replace you with an alternate. Could you do Wisdom teeth before indoc? yeah probably, the chances are pretty good that you can get it all taken care of well before indoc, however the risks associated with something going wrong and not being able to report are HUGE. (An education worth 250k)

What I would suggest is schedule the actually extraction over one of the fall breaks, and do you pre-op visit before indoc. That is what I did, and it worked out pretty swell.
I still can't get my head around that requirement. Wasn't around 30+ years ago. Must have been a strange rash of incidents for it to happen. I can say that I don't ever recall being onboard a ship at sea where it was ever a concern, either. What's next? Requiring appendix removal, "just in case"?
cmakin'- that's exactly what my husband and I said 4 years ago! Check out your Private messages.
Cmakin you are onto something. Since I have deployed we have had half a dozen appendectomies but not a single wisdom tooth problem cause us to air evac.
Cmakin you are onto something. Since I have deployed we have had half a dozen appendectomies but not a single wisdom tooth problem cause us to air evac.

My guess is that there was a situation during sea year where it caused some issue and cost a bunch of money. I doubt that it was more than one. I am just one of those that feels "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Oh, and I still have three of my wisdom teeth. One did get impacted and had to be removed, but it was hardly a serious emergency.