Missing Pectoral??


5-Year Member
Aug 6, 2013
I am missing my right pectoral muscle. The official standard for enlistment and commissioning says its disqualifying if it interferes with vigorous physical activity. It does not hinder me in any way. Will this require a waiver!? Thanks!
Strength and Honor - you should probably qualify your statement by saying you don't actually have any medical knowledge or detailed knowledge of the Standards of Medical Fitness, which I expect to be the case.

LJ - the only way to know for certain is to begin and let the DodMerb process
run it's course. If it doesn't hinder you in any way that you can tell, then it certainly sounds worth pursuing. Best of luck to you.
Sounds like you might have Poland's Syndrome. If that's the case, here is an article that might give you a better idea of where you stand: link

I'll step aside now and let the more expert DODMERB posters jump in
Strength and Honor - you should probably qualify your statement by saying you don't actually have any medical knowledge or detailed knowledge of the Standards of Medical Fitness, which I expect to be the case.

You're right Jcc, I have no medical knowledge. I guess I'll just post what everyone does on here regarding DoDMERB: "You'll just have to go through the process and see"
I actually was diagnosed with Poland's Syndrome when I was very young. I'm just not characterized with a deformity of the hand like most others, only the pectoral is missing. Jcc123 you are absolutely right, I guess I'll just have to let the process run its course. Thanks a lot guys!
My son is also missing part of the pectoral muscle but was never diagnosed. None interfere with his physical strength. How can we show that it does not hinder him? Thank u