Health Problem: Not Contract


5-Year Member
Jun 4, 2013
I was sitting in class today and had a heart palpitation. I went to the health center and all the tests came back normal. The doctor said I probably suffered a heart palpitation just out of the blue. She said it is highly highly doubtful is related to heart disease or any other heart condition, she said she legally can't say it wasn't 100% so it is 99.9% it wasn't.

My question is: Is my chances of contracting with the Army ROTC gone? I am in perfect health and even had experiences like this before. Does this incident disqualify me?
I was sitting in class today and had a heart palpitation. I went to the health center and all the tests came back normal. The doctor said I probably suffered a heart palpitation just out of the blue. She said it is highly highly doubtful is related to heart disease or any other heart condition, she said she legally can't say it wasn't 100% so it is 99.9% it wasn't.

My question is: Is my chances of contracting with the Army ROTC gone? I am in perfect health and even had experiences like this before. Does this incident disqualify me?

Nobody can really say until you go through Dodmerb before you contract.
freedom125 said:
I was sitting in class today and had a heart palpitation. I went to the health center and all the tests came back normal....I am in perfect health.
Thank you for both of those definitive diagnoses (heart palpitation, and perfect health), Dr. Freedom125. Make up your mind, will you? Perfect health, or heart palpitation?

No you didn't have a heart palpitation, because you're not qualified to make that statement. You're not a doctor. The medical tests came back normal. End of story. If the tests didn't show anything wrong, then there isn't anything wrong. Don't medically disqualify yourself. I doubt the Medical History form you fill out asks "have you ever thought you had a heart palpitation, but the tests showed normal?".

Non physicians should not diagnose themselves, especially when a wrong diagnosis listed on the Form 2492 - DoDMERB Medical History Form, would likely lead to a medical disqualification that then requires DODMERB review to correct. Don't shoot your own self in the foot.
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Heart palpitations can occur for 76348934795739582375892375 reasons. Most of the reasons probaby don't apply to you.

If they were really worried they would have echoed you, put you on a Holter monitor for 24 hrs and have done some hormones tests.

You aren't a doc and I am guessing your PCP did an EKG and blew it off thinking you had too much caffeine or were stressed at the time.

Why are you worrying? Heart palps have a diagnosis attached to them, you don't have a diagnosis...
Younger son had to take a pretty intense physical for a school he attended. During the exam they did an EKG and found what they thought was an Irregular Heart beat. The Doc said it was probably nothing to worry about but the Army wanted him to have an Echo. He had the Echo and everything was fine and he passed the physical.

Like Aglahad said there are too many reasons to count why this could have occured and most do not result in any diagnosis.

Bottom line, your fine for ROTC, you won't even have to list it on your medical history form because you don't have a history of anything that has been diagnosed.
Bottom line, your fine for ROTC, you won't even have to list it on your medical history form because you don't have a history of anything that has been diagnosed.
This is exactly how I would approach it. It wasn't diagnosed, therefore it does not exist.