Options for contacted MS1 Army??


5-Year Member
Feb 28, 2012
I'm trying to do something this summer for ROTC, and I was wondering if anybody new if anything I could do? I'm contracted and have around 250 PT score. I would really like to do something this summer and my battalion is in Illinois.
I'm sure the AROTC experts will be coming out and responding. I just wanted to suggest you speak with cadre. They will know of the opportunities available to you as well as your chances.
Look into CULP. No language skills necessary. You need to be quick about it as there is a deadline to apply that is fast approaching. Also +1 to talking to your cadre, they can give you the best advice. AA and AB schools are alomost impossible to come by for MSI but it can be done. My advice is to keep raising that PFT, get and stay involved in the unit and keep up your grades and good things will happen. :thumb:
Options for MSI's are scarce. You might be able too get CULP though. That registration is open for only a few more days I believe. Check with your cadre asap to find out.

Most other training options are for MS II's and III's, with III's usually getting preference.
Are MS 1s even eligible for culp? One of my cadre says no, but on cadet command I don't see any prerequisite...also any other options.
CULP applications close on 25 OCT. I would apply for that. I think you can fill out most of the application, despite the shutdown, but there may be a delay in processing of applications.

Yes, MS1's can go, we sent multiple last summer.
CULP is one of the few oppurtunities available to MSI's. DS unit sent 8 or 9 last year.
Are MS 1s even eligible for culp? One of my cadre says no, but on cadet command I don't see any prerequisite...also any other options.

CULP is open to all contracted MS1's. My DS (2012) along with 6 or 7 of his friends went to all fours corners of the world.
If I applied for CULP would their be a specific region of the world that would better my chances?
If you speak a foreign language then choose that region, I would think that would be your only advantage. There is also a no preference choice.

What is your major? There are some internships for physical science majors and computer science majors open to MS1's. check out Lawrence Livermore Lab if you are a science major. They do take MS1's. Very small program but ROTC cadets are eligible.
Yes,I do have an science major and I'm enrolled in aerospace engineering. So where is this lab and what is the main purpose and application deadline? Thanks for the help!
just thinking out loud here... I wonder if the CULP deadline may be extended due to the shutdown or maybe not and they just take fewer cadets this year?
DS did his application all online, so unless the website is shut down I wouldn't think so.
Cadet command is still up...so I'm guessing the applications are still being expected ...I guess I'll find out soon.
Do you think they may extend the deadline? DS was sitting in the cadre's office ready to sign the contract when he came out to inform him the government shutdown has stopped all contracts being signed. I know he was really looking forward to applying for CULP. Is there an end in sight?!
There's also project Go. Its very similiar to CULP but something to look into because less CDTs seem to apply. Just google project go or ask your cadre. Army and airforce cdts can apply (I dont know about navy):