CFA with Coach


5-Year Member
Aug 30, 2014
I took the CFA administered by my coach, which is fine for the Naval Academy and Air Force Academy, but not okay for West Point. Would it be alright if I asked my coach to forward my results to a PE teacher so that they could submit the information instead? Or would I have to retake the CFA with the PE teacher?
I took the CFA administered by my coach, which is fine for the Naval Academy and Air Force Academy, but not okay for West Point. Would it be alright if I asked my coach to forward my results to a PE teacher so that they could submit the information instead? Or would I have to retake the CFA with the PE teacher?

A possible solution is to have West Point to request your CFA score from the Naval Academy.

Personally, I would say no to having your coach forward your results to a PE teacher so they could submit the information. When someone submits a CFA score for West Point, there is a lengthy disclaimer to include that the person submitting the test administered the test.

So how can your PE teacher submit the results from a CFA administered by your coach?