How do you succeed at the academy?


5-Year Member
Aug 15, 2014
Seems as if all we ask is how to get in, but I want to know how to thrive!

2019 WestPoint class appointee

Recipient of 4 year army rotc scholarship.
What is your definition of success? Do you want to ear a star? A wreath? Then you need to either be very disciplined with studying or choose an easy major. Do you want to rise to a high rank in leadership? Do all the small things well. Become known as a servant leader. Ask questions. Do every job as if it's the most important. Do you want to build relationships and make friends? Be available. Be willing to be spontaneous. Do you want to be able to select branch X by firstie year? Excel in all 3 pillars. Everyone defines success a bit differently...figure out what you want and it to look like and plan out how you're going to get there...set goals: yearly, monthly, weekly, daily. Do your best all the time. AND most importantly, don't be that guy.
What is your definition of success? Do you want to ear a star? A wreath? Then you need to either be very disciplined with studying or choose an easy major. Do you want to rise to a high rank in leadership? Do all the small things well. Become known as a servant leader. Ask questions. Do every job as if it's the most important. Do you want to build relationships and make friends? Be available. Be willing to be spontaneous. Do you want to be able to select branch X by firstie year? Excel in all 3 pillars. Everyone defines success a bit differently...figure out what you want and it to look like and plan out how you're going to get there...set goals: yearly, monthly, weekly, daily. Do your best all the time. AND most importantly, don't be that guy.

Good advices relative to West Point. Cadets should also think about how to prepare themselves to be more successful as Army officers. Being a good cadet doesn't necessarily make a good officer.

A thing I would have done if I was cadet again was to do more things to prepare myself to be a better Army officer - better physical shape, more individual learning about the Army, more professional reading, and etc.