Do I need to make weight for the DODMERB?


Nov 4, 2014
Is the DODMERB where we have to make weight/body fat?

Is it just the regular Army standards?
No, DODMERB is not concerned with your weight. That is an army thing. It's certainly to your advantage to be under the weight limit if possible but even if you are over the weight limit like my son is, if you pass the tape test and can perform in the PFT (fill in whatever acronym army uses for the physical fitness test) then you are good to go.

Good luck!
So do you know at what point I would need to make weight? Just trying to plan out weight for the football season.
yes and no.

I was very underweight 6' 2'' and 130lbs so DoDMERB made me get a letter from my doctor stating that I wasn't an anorexic. After that DoDMERB was pleased and I was found medically qualified.

So yes they care, but no its not disqualifying.
My son is going to be a 3/C NROTC this year and he has never had to make weight. He is built like a tree trunk and making the weight they say he needs to be his height is 3% body fat. Not something that is easily maintained. But he is excellent or outstanding on all exercises so they haven't said anything to him or taped him.

That being said, every unit is different so I still recommend getting as close to weight as possible before you report.
My DS has also been over the limit and DODMERB didn't care but the NROTC Marine option does so he gets taped at least once each semester. Other than that, it has never been a problem.