Personal statements


May 25, 2015
Hi everyone
So I'm finishing up my personal statements for my application. I was wondering who read them? How many people read them? I know they are important part of the application but how important are they? Also who would be a good person for me to get to read over them to proof read? Also if anyone has any suggestions I would be grateful to hear anything!!
They don't impact your WCS at all.
Then do you know what the purpose they hold?
I don't, sorry. Your FFR might know.

If I had to guess though I would say it is a pass fail thing. They either give your essay a check mark and say it's good or they flag it and say it's bad. One of the essay prompts asks why you want to attend. If you say "I want to attend so I can get a free education" they will probably flag your essay and shut down your file.

I'm not sure if that's how it works but that's what I am guessing. My guess is as good as yours.