CFA Grading at Summer Seminar


5-Year Member
Sep 29, 2015
To those of you who took their CFA at Summer Seminar, how did you find the grading? Was it strict? If they didn’t count certain reps (pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, etc), how come?

I know that West Point put out an instructional video about the CFA, but I also know after being in the Army for over 20 years that each unit or school grades differently. At Fort Benning’s Airborne School they counted push-ups differently than Fort Campbell’s Air Assault School.

What has your experience been in terms of CFA grading?

Thank you.
At USAFA summer seminar, the CFA is just for practice, and does not count
I remember they factored the CFA into flight competitions but yeah it was unofficial. Probably because they didn't want to have to properly proctor so many people. Maybe they didn't have as many cadre as they usually have? Or maybe they just didn't want to have to do paperwork for 600 applicants with crappy CFA scores from the seminar and then have the same applicants resubmit scores at their normal altitude.

What they did was have stations set up in their indoor track facility and people would go do their events on their own and write down their results. They also took groups out to the outdoor track to run their mile but it was by no means strict on grading. In fact, for push-ups and sit-ups you had a partner count for you instead of a cadre.
As for grading in general, it's up to the observer whether you properly completed a rep. My proctor made me hold each pullup for what felt like years, and I definitely felt that during the mile when my running form went to crap after the first lap.