Class Rank?


Feb 10, 2016
I moved in the middle of high school (gotta love being a military brat). My schools did things very differently, and so I didn't get my multipliers for honors and AP Classes, so my class rank at my current school is around the 79th percentile. How big of a deal is this?
I have taken 4 AP classes and made 3 5s and 1 4, and my sat and ACT scores are both at the 97th percentile.
Having a high class rank gives you more points for your WCS. That being said, have a 35 or 36 and 5's on AP tests is very helpful for your WCS as well. All in all though, remember that it is the WCS (whole-candidate score) for a reason. So, even though you have phenomenal test scores and a decent class rank, make sure you stay on top of your extracurriculars and leadership opportunities! :)
5's on AP tests is very helpful for your WCS as well.
AP scores have no impact on WCS. Should the OP end up attending USMA though, his AP scores may help him validate some classes.

Class rank makes up 30% of your WCS, so it is of significance. I was told by an ALO that USMA wants candidates to be within the top 20% of their class.
My school doesn't rank at all, but I was told by admissions officers that they would assign me a class rank based on my standardized test scores.
@Texanboxer it is important that your counselor marks that you've attended more than 1 high school when they complete the Request for Academic Information. This keys your RC into possible class rank issues as well as impacts on extra curricular or sports leadership. I would also have that discussion with your FFR so they can convey that to the RC. Like other posters have said, it is WCS that is more than class rank, but moves, especially frequent ones can have an impact on more than one area and if that is the case, there are remedies your RC can take while processing your file for qualification if those right indicators are there.