Application black hole/DoDMERB Request


5-Year Member
Jan 21, 2014
My DS has completed the entire application and has the associated green checks next to the requirements, but has not received any request to get his DoDMERB physical. We have received no information from West Point about the application process at all and the recruiting officer has been non responsive. I am guessing it because my son is not competitive or has anybody else been basically completing the application process in the dark?
How long ago did he finish his application? I finished mine in July and received my request for DODMERB about two weeks later.
So sorry to hear that. Has DS completed DoDMERB for any other SAs? Consider calling admissions office? Try to call your Regional Counselor - s/he works directly with your application.
Quick check of ACT/SAT score can quickly determine the issue. The low of the 25%-75% standardized score profile for West Point is 26 for ACT and 1710 combined for SAT. If your son is below that, he is probably categorized as a "risk" and unless he has anything else such as prior enlisted service, division I athlete potential, or an under-represented minority his chance for an appointment is very low. If he has a score above that then you should call admissions.
My DS has completed the entire application and has the associated green checks next to the requirements, but has not received any request to get his DoDMERB physical. We have received no information from West Point about the application process at all and the recruiting officer has been non responsive. I am guessing it because my son is not competitive or has anybody else been basically completing the application process in the dark?

As davejean90 pointed out, typically SAT/ACT scores are good indicator of initial candidate evaluation. Typically, candidates evaluated to at "risk" are not allow to complete their application. For whatever reason, the regional commander will allow selected candidates that are evaluated to be at rick to complete their application. Regardless of evaluated potential, the majority of candidates have to finish their application before DoDMERB is authorized. So when your DS completed his application, the Regional Commander makes a choice to authorize the DoDMERB exam or not. If the area (mostly SAT/ACT scores) that could have been improved has not improved, the RC will not authorize the DoDMERB exam. This is a catch 22 as to not allow a candidate to complete his or her application or not authorize a DoDMERB exam after application completion.

As for completing the application in the "dark," it just happens. Being an FFR for 10 plus years, I had kids contacting me as a freshmen in high school to contacting a week before the application deadline. When I ask candidates that contact me late in the application cycle if they are in contact with anybody in the admissions office, sometimes the answer is no. I hate it when I have to reply with "If you contacted me earlier . . . " I am not making excuses for the admission office for being "non-responsive," but they only have so many people and so many useful hours in a day. A Regional Commander can work 20 hours a day to return emails and phone calls, but after day or two, he will be ineffective.
Thanks for the advice. I did email the Regional Commander, who replied that he didn't know anything and that I should contact the Outreach officer (the non responsive admissions officer). Back to square one. I am pretty sure the Outreach office originally sent us a letter encouraging my DS to apply because he is an underrepresented minority and will likely not respond unless they don't meet their goal.
Thanks for the info...these are the same people who are our primary contacts...without contact, each refers to each other in email without cc lines.