Drum and Bugle


Mar 16, 2016
My DS is interested in joining the drum and bugle corps. He is interested in the pros and cons of joining especially when it comes to time commitment each week and if it cuts into any of his breaks such as a Thanksgiving or Christmas. Any advice would be appreciated.
My DS is interested in joining the drum and bugle corps. He is interested in the pros and cons of joining especially when it comes to time commitment each week and if it cuts into any of his breaks such as a Thanksgiving or Christmas. Any advice would be appreciated.
My son has been in Drum and Bugle for two years and loves it. It does take up quite a bit of time during football season and the first year he was not able to come home for Thanksgiving because of a game. His arrival home at Christmas that year was delayed a bit because of a bowl game. His second year, he was home for the entire time for Thanksgiving and Christmas, partly because they did not take the entire Corp go to the bowl game. It really just depends on the year and how good the football team is! They travel to all the away football games, typically via a C-17. He has enjoyed the travel! I believe he plans to sign up again for it next year. Please let me know if you have any other questions about Drum and Bugle and I'll try to answer or will get in touch with my son. Best wishes to your son!
Thank you that is very helpful. Not sure what he is going to do but this will help make a more informed decision.
Is anyone aware if any of the cadets who played woodwinds in HS were able to make the switch to the drum and bugle corps? Thanks
Hi SC2020 My DS is a member of the D&B and will graduate in 53 (!) days. He would often mention musicians who successfully made the switch from a totally different type of instrument. He was a trombone player in HS, and made the switch to the euphonium. He loves his music, so D&B was a very important outlet for him, especially during his Doolie year. Getting off campus to away games was a sanity break that was very welcome to him. The work load was manageable for him and I think it actually helped him because he was never a student who studied during high school. The D&B schedule FORCED him to manage his time and school work effectively. Being a corp member did make for some creative scheduling for Christmas break because we couldn't make plans early, especially if the football team was winning, but we managed to have him home every Christmas morning. Thanksgiving was a bit more difficult because of the short break and the networks like having a military academy football game on national TV.

If your DS/DD decides to continue with the D&B, make sure, whatever you do, you get to the stadium early and watch the tunnel show. Didn't know about it our first year, now it is my favorite memory.