Public Service Academy??


10-Year Member
Jul 19, 2009
Hello all! I was googling things in today for the service academies and came across the "Public Service Academy". Supposedly, the proposed academy would train young citizens for their future roles as public servants...they said it would comparable to the military academies...I have some doubts about it though. What do you guys think?
Seeing as the cost for every cadet is @400K and this economy, I would say the public would have a hard time biting off on millions of tax dollars being spent every yr.
I personally think it would be one big joke...for a multitude of reasons. This has actually been talked about...maybe way back in "Off Topic".
That is a frightening thought. A group of people being trained in a military manner, yet remaining civilians. Is someone attempting to build another branch of the armed services. One that has it's own chain of command, one answerable to some appointed czar. In winding down my rant do you think their uniforms will be brown shirts and long knifes???
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That is a frightening thought. A group of people being trained in a military manner, yet remaining civilians. Is someone attempting to build another branch of the armed services. One that has it's own chain of command, one answerable to some appointed czar. In winding down my rant do you think their uniforms will be brown shirts and long knifes???

Haha I thought it would be more of a breeding ground for bureaucrats...would they even have a swab/plebe/BCT/Indoc program you think?
Seeing as the cost for every cadet is @400K and this economy, I would say the public would have a hard time biting off on millions of tax dollars being spent every yr.

Their estimate is $205 million per year for 5,100 students. (about $40k per student).

How much money will it cost?

Roughly $205 million annually, or about 70 cents per American per year. For less than the cost of bus fare, we can build a lasting institution sends a clear message to our young people — public service matters, and it matters enough that we have built a national public university dedicated to it.
Haha I thought it would be more of a breeding ground for bureaucrats...would they even have a swab/plebe/BCT/Indoc program you think?

Were you being facetious or profound? It would seem to me that leadership building events such as these, for which I cannot imagine the necessity of, are the sole reason that such an institution would be better than a good private university. I would think a "PSROTC" with mandatory service, if qualified people is the issue, would serve better.
I agree in part. The issue that remains is, exactly where do you go, and how does this hurt people who go through the private channels to serve in that capacity.

With service academies, it's fairly simple, USCGA goes to Coast Guard, USMA goes to Army, USNA goes to Navy or Marine Corps, USAFA goes to Air Force, and USMMA can got just about anywhere they want or Navy Reserve. Even with USMMA, they still almost have a subset, competing with maritime academies. You don't generally see people graduating from Notre Dame and then heading to the merchant fleet, it stays in a small community. For a public service academy....they don't have a specific pipeline....they compete with the current "public service job" creators.

No, not a good idea at all.
What, you mean aren't wasting enough money on the bureaucracy already? :rolleyes:
That is a frightening thought. A group of people being trained in a military manner, yet remaining civilians. Is someone attempting to build another branch of the armed services. One that has it's own chain of command, one answerable to some appointed czar. In winding down my rant do you think their uniforms will be brown shirts and long knifes???

Maybe they could use this for the armband:


How does one say, "Seig! HEIL!" in Kenyan? :rolleyes:
How does one say, "Seig! HEIL!" in Kenyan?

One doesn't, there is no such language.

P.s. Did you not get the memo on the unfunniness of nazi jokes?
Zaphod - A year ago if someone on SAF had posted a similar comment about former President Bush you would have had a **** fit. Heaven forbid we question Bush’s patriotism or policies but it is perfectly okay to imply the current president is a Nazi. It makes me physically ill. :barf:
Payback is a *****, isn't it? :thumb:

Don't feel bad, though. Obama and his zombie supporters make ME physically ill, so let's puke together, shall we?
Zaphod - A year ago if someone on SAF had posted a similar comment about former President Bush you would have had a **** fit. Heaven forbid we question Bush’s patriotism or policies but it is perfectly okay to imply the current president is a Nazi. It makes me physically ill. :barf:

That's pretty similar to a year ago "protests" being "patriotic" and now labeled as "mobs".

I thought the Consitution had something to say about that....I know, I know...the U.S. Constitution is overrated....
Look at it this way. I, Zaphod, have come to agree with Liberals.

Dissent really IS the highest form of patriotism!

So instead of giving me heat, why don't you all congratulate me on my new-found bipartisanship? :biggrin:

:yllol::yllol::yllol::yllol::yllol: is perfectly okay to imply the current president is a Nazi.

In the United States Of America, where we still have a 1st Amendment, yes, it is perfectly OK to imply the current President is a Nazi.

What a great country, especially when the system works for both parties.

It is a little hypocritical to see all the objections to anyone who mocks President Obama, by the same people who thought it was the highest form of protest to laugh at pictures of President Bush drawn as a monkey.
It's also not a particularly good example to set for future service members to compare any public official to a Nazi.