(To current academy cadets) What is your favorite part about being at the Academy?

Students at the United States Naval Academy are referred to as Midshipmen.
Students at the United States Merchant Marine Academy are referred to as Midshipmen.
Students at the United States Military Academy are referred to as Cadets.
Students at the United States Air Force Academy are referred to as Cadets.
Students at the United States Coast Guard Academy are referred to as Cadets.
I had to laugh....my initial reaction was this is going to be a short thread :rolleyes:!
I think it was David Poyer, Return of Philo McGiffen, that included the quip that "USNA was like a steam bath, not so hot once you get in !"
I know this wasn't direct to grads, but my answer would be "Graduating."

Seriously though, the best part is Classmates.
Students at the United States Military Academy are referred to as Cadets.
Students at the United States Air Force Academy are referred to as Cadets.

Actually, students at USMA are referred to as Woops, and students at USAFA are referred to as Zoomies (at least when being kind and respectful) !:)
As a former zoomie, without pause I'd say 1. the friends I made and, 2. seeing USAFA in my rear view mirror after graduation. I find it humorous when parents brag about how much their Mids (squids, just to finish appropriate terminology) are enjoying USNA...safe to say the vast majority are not alumni. I have a mentor/former boss who's a retired 4 star and lives in a mansion on the Palmer Divide overlooking USAFA...he always jokes that the 15 miles between his porch and the terrazzo are 'minimum safe distance.' There are 5 and soon to be 6 SA grads in my immediate family, NOT ONE says anything other than 'it's a great place to be from, but not a great place to be.'
The friendships... the bonds are great amongst your classmates and shipmates. Even if you meet a grad and 25 years separated your time at Mother B, you will have an immediate bond. We take care of one another. My friends will be a my front door in a heart beat if needed. I actually was one who loved my time at USNA. It wasn’t easy by any means, but I guess I just figured I chose this path, I am not leaving unless they throw me out, so enjoy it. I knew the rules before I got there and knew what was coming, so complaining wasn’t going to solve anything.
If zoomie=usafa woops=usma and squid=usna then who is a swabbie? I'm positive that I've heard that one before!
If zoomie=usafa woops=usma and squid=usna then who is a swabbie? I'm positive that I've heard that one before!

“Swabbie” is an old term most often used for junior enlisted Navy personnel, the ones most likely to have the duty of swabbing the deck.

I am a happy squid but not a USNA grad. Squid is more a generic Navy descriptor, all rates and ranks.
I see, thanks for the insight!

Freshmen at USCGA are also referred to as Swabs during Swab Summer, “swabbie” is an affectionate term that may also be used depending on the cadre. As @Capt MJ pointed out, a swab is a nautical term for mop.
Freshmen at USCGA are also referred to as Swabs during Swab Summer, “swabbie” is an affectionate term that may also be used depending on the cadre. As @Capt MJ pointed out, a swab is a nautical term for mop.

I knew about “swabs” at USCGA but didn’t know if “swabbie” was used in any context. Thank you for the insight
“Swabbie” is an old term most often used for junior enlisted Navy personnel, the ones most likely to have the duty of swabbing the deck.

I am a happy squid but not a USNA grad. Squid is more a generic Navy descriptor, all rates and ranks.
I second this 100%. We are all squids.
You are to me.

Nothin' but love though! :biggrin:
DS at WP never heard the term “woops “ referring to Cadets, maybe he leads a sheltered life there as a cow always in the barn.
Zoomies and Squids of course are the common references to the AFA and NA students and he has friends at both.

Totally Agree with @USNA2021_Dad ^^^^^
DS at WP never heard the term “woops “ referring to Cadets, maybe he leads a sheltered life there as a cow always in the barn.
Zoomies and Squids of course are the common references to the AFA and NA students and he has friends at both.

Totally Agree with @USNA2021_Dad ^^^^^

Of the many hits google brings up on “woops,” this one from the AOG in the Cadet Slang glossary was the most quasi-official. I enjoyed all the other bits and pieces on this link.

If your son walks by a group of squids at A-N and hears a low-pitched “oooohhhh” sound from the group, they are saying “woop.”

Who knows where it came from, but it’s been around somewhere short of Moses taking his first cruise on the Nile in USS BULRUSH.
DS at WP never heard the term “woops “ referring to Cadets, maybe he leads a sheltered life there as a cow always in the barn.

Who knows where it came from, but it’s been around somewhere short of Moses taking his first cruise on the Nile in USS BULRUSH./QUOTE]

My Plebe Summer squad leader told us that it comes from the Wizard of Oz ....the Flying Monkeys wear surplus West Point uniform jackets and sounded like "woop, woop, woop" ! That's as good as any origin I have ever heard.
In the day it was "Woo Poo." Some of us took it as a form of "WP" or West Point(er). But of course, "The Goat is old and gnarly and he's never been to school, but he can take the Bacon from the Warn Out Army Mule. Army, Army, call the Doctor, he's all in, down, and out. Woo Poo. Woo Poo.
According to the link posted above:
WOOPS, Sound squids make when they see USMAPS Cadet Candidates.

Woopoo is slang for it I guess.

Neither seems to be as commonly used as the other terms listed above in this thread.
Neither seems to be as commonly used as the other terms listed above in this thread.

It's all perspective, I am sure WOOP is rarely used at West Point, just like Squid is rarely used at USNA.
I don't think I have ever heard anyone say "West Point Cadet" at USNA --it's always WOOP.