Average Completion Date


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Sep 24, 2009
What would you say the average package completion date is for the Academy? I'm all completed, simply waiting on recommendations to filter in (Yes, I have been frequently reminding my letter-writers), Just wondering when most people have their package submitted in full? Am I late already?
What would you say the average package completion date is for the Academy? I'm all completed, simply waiting on recommendations to filter in (Yes, I have been frequently reminding my letter-writers), Just wondering when most people have their package submitted in full? Am I late already?
No, you're not late. :biggrin:

Yes, you're late. :eek:

Hmm??? :confused:


Eh, you're doing fine. Some folks were complete in a few weeks after they were notified, some are nowhere close (I have several like that), and MOST are "in the process."

Worry not. It won't impact you. The key is to complete your package as soon as you can but the IMPORTANT part is make certain it is CORRECT and COMPLETE.

Once that's done, the LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG wait begins. :thumb:

Got mine done September-ish... get it done soon, but get it done right.
don't be surprised to wait until late march or even later to hear back. i can't remember when i got done, but i didn't hear back till mid march. some people didn't hear back until a week before i-day. hurry up and wait--you'll be very familiar with that if you get here. good luck! :thumb:
I wasn't completely done until early February. Heard back about two weeks later. You're doing just fine.