CFA scoring and waiver timeline


5-Year Member
Oct 12, 2009
I know the CFA is scored pass/fail, but is it scored pass fail as a whole or can you pass certain events and fail others? Basically I'm saying if you do poorly in one event but outstanding in another, will those two balance out?

I was medically dq'd and sent in all my rebuttal documents within the week I found out which was two weeks ago, I haven't heard whether they need anything else, if they have any questions, or anything for that matter. Anyone have experience with how this went for them?
"The six test events of the CFA are administered consecutively in less than a 40-minute time period. Candidates should attempt to do their best on all six events, keeping in mind that the events are sequenced to produce a cumulative loading effect. In other words, after completing the first five events, it is doubtful that a candidate will score his/her best on the 1-mile run. This has been considered in the development of the criterion-referenced standards, which will be used to evaluate performance in each of the six events. Candidates' raw scores will be converted to scale scores (0-100 points) based upon their performance on each event. A candidate who achieves the 100-point level on any of the first five events should not attempt further repetitions, as this will not improve his/her score. If at any time you cannot continue to meet the timed requirements, the test will be terminated." ~ this is directly from USNA's webpage regarding CFA requirements

It's not pass/fail by event - it's based on a overall score. The only time you would "fail" is if you cannot meet the time requirement of each test (which the break down can be seen on the link above).

As far as the DQ'd situation...I would give the Admissions office a call to ensure they received your packet and see if there is anything else they need, or if you had a tracking number on it you should be able to check on that to see if it's been received.
I know the CFA is scored pass/fail, but is it scored pass fail as a whole or can you pass certain events and fail others? Basically I'm saying if you do poorly in one event but outstanding in another, will those two balance out?

The CFA is used by the three "major" SAs; however, each may evaluate the test results differently. USNA has stated they are most interested in push-ups, crunches, and the mile. They don't care much about the Bball throw.

What '02 above says is true. However, if you do very poorly in the mile, a max Bball throw probably won't help for USNA.

USNA will tell you if you fail. If you pass yet have minimally passing scores, it could hurt you a bit. Likewise, if you have great scores, it may help you a bit. However, other than a failure, the CFA alone rarely makes the difference -- it could but usually is combined with other factors.

Please see my sticky above for more on the CFA -- it answers a lot of questions.
I was medically dq'd and sent in all my rebuttal documents within the week I found out which was two weeks ago, I haven't heard whether they need anything else, if they have any questions, or anything for that matter. Anyone have experience with how this went for them?

Contact Larry Mullen at DODMERB. His contact info is in a sticky on the DODMERB board below. Include your full name and last 4 of your SSN in your email so he knows you're legit. What happened to others is irrelevant as regards what will happen to you. Larry can help YOU.
Pretty sure USMMA uses the CFA also. I hope that puts them over the top in the 'major' catagory!

USNA '02's post is the best summary I've seen.

Good luck