Food at WP


Mar 29, 2021
I am a very picky eater and I was just wondering what the food situation is at WP and SLE. Does anyone have examples of some of the food offered? Are you allowed to order food from restaurants and have it delivered? Are you allowed to buy snacks and keep them in your dorm? Thanks!
I am a very picky eater and I was just wondering what the food situation is at WP and SLE. Does anyone have examples of some of the food offered? Are you allowed to order food from restaurants and have it delivered? Are you allowed to buy snacks and keep them in your dorm? Thanks!
There is a West Point app you can download that shows what they are serving daily in the Dining Facility. My son could live on fries and chicken tenders so he also is quite picky. I've viewed the menu and I think he would be quite satisfied with the selection. Not to mention there are a number of delivery places nearby. Breakfast is mandatory for plebes but dinner you are on your own if you so desire except Thursdays.
General military insight - you’ll get over the picky when you think if it as just fuel and nutritional intake, because you will be so busy, tired and hungry. You’ll also be eating so fast your brain will blank out thinking about the taste, because you are thinking about the next 20 things you have to get done. There will certainly be times when you can slow down, enjoy foods you like, learn the ropes on how “outside food” works.

There is a difference between “I can’t” and “I won’t” when it comes to food quirks.
You can start following the mess hall now on Facebook! Follow the USMA Cadet Mess Hall. Lots of pictures and menus.

Also, after Beast you can order food to be delivered from local restaurants or pick up food from Grant Hall. You will be fine and you will have a salary for any food you order, but really, the mess hall usually does ok. They had a very hard time during the summer and into the fall because of staffing shortages and COVID19 restrictions but things are significantly better now.
You can start following the mess hall now on Facebook! Follow the USMA Cadet Mess Hall. Lots of pictures and menus.

Also, after Beast you can order food to be delivered from local restaurants or pick up food from Grant Hall. You will be fine and you will have a salary for any food you order, but really, the mess hall usually does ok. They had a very hard time during the summer and into the fall because of staffing shortages and COVID19 restrictions but things are significantly better now.
seriously?? I always thought every meal had to be eaten in that massive mess hall all together and you only had 20 mins to finish. Guess West Point may not be that bad after all :D
General military insight - you’ll get over the picky when you think if it as just fuel and nutritional intake, because you will be so busy, tired and hungry. You’ll also be eating so fast your brain will blank out thinking about the taste, because you are thinking about the next 20 things you have to get done. There will certainly be times when you can slow down, enjoy foods you like, learn the ropes on how “outside food” works.

There is a difference between “I can’t” and “I won’t” when it comes to food quirks.
@Capt MJ Sorry, but I was a hard "pass" on the first three trays in the breakfast steam table on my ship - grits, corned beef hash & SOS. I would even eat Mid Rats (aka "wet garbage") over that.
@Capt MJ Sorry, but I was a hard "pass" on the first three trays in the breakfast steam table on my ship - grits, corned beef hash & SOS. I would even eat Mid Rats (aka "wet garbage") over that.
I learned to really enjoy Corned Beef Hash just about in time to have medical stuff take it off of my potential meals. :rolleyes:
As for SOS, I was a much bigger fan of its cousin, Creamed Beef (with hamburger instead of chipped beef). When I'm at the Legion convention, strangely, the most common order seems to be SOS, probably for nostalgia reasons.
I am a very picky eater and I was just wondering what the food situation is at WP and SLE. Does anyone have examples of some of the food offered? Are you allowed to order food from restaurants and have it delivered? Are you allowed to buy snacks and keep them in your dorm? Thanks!
Abby, give a look at the Facebook page, they post the weekly menus. There are a lot of options at every single meal. Maybe not during Beast but there will always be SOMETHING that you can eat even during Beast and you will be hungry. They will not let you starve. Promise. Once you get to the academic year you will have a lot of great options.
The big Army’s “Go Green” menu was implemented this past year at WP. It has been received with mixed reviews from the cadets. I know my DS who is a D1 athlete has had a very difficult time maintenance weight. He says there just isn’t any way to eat enough calories off this new menu, and isn’t a fan of fish and salad for breakfast lunch and dinner.
The big Army’s “Go Green” menu was implemented this past year at WP. It has been received with mixed reviews from the cadets. I know my DS who is a D1 athlete has had a very difficult time maintenance weight. He says there just isn’t any way to eat enough calories off this new menu, and isn’t a fan of fish and salad for breakfast lunch and dinner.
My cadet is not very picky but can’t get on board with the new menu. And yes, fish and salad for all three meals is too much for him. So he has been ordering food almost everyday. He is now at least 15lbs heavier than last year. 🤦‍♀️
My cadet is not very picky but can’t get on board with the new menu. And yes, fish and salad for all three meals is too much for him. So he has been ordering food almost everyday. He is now at least 15lbs heavier than last year. 🤦‍♀️
Mine is doing his fair share of keeping the take out restaurants in business as well. My DS also does weekly orders for protein bars/drinks from Amazon prime that seem to help. I just know it’s almost impossible to meet 3500 calories a day with the new menu.
I am a very picky eater and I was just wondering what the food situation is at WP and SLE. Does anyone have examples of some of the food offered? Are you allowed to order food from restaurants and have it delivered? Are you allowed to buy snacks and keep them in your dorm? Thanks!
As far as the mess hall goes, depending on the meal and day, there's going to be different stuff. Some of the most common items are fish, chicken, rice, vegetables, a salad bar, and fruit. There's usually a desert/pastries with every meal. Other, less common items include empanadas (although those have become quite common recently) and shrimp. Also, on West Point there's a subway (about a mile walk down there), two Starbucks, and Grant Hall which is like a food court at a mall. And you can definitely order food from restaurants and you can also keep food and snacks in your room (I HIGHLY recommend that). Not because West Point doesn't offer enough food, but because it's nice to have food in your room to munch on whenever you want, almost like a normal college student.
There is a West Point app you can download that shows what they are serving daily in the Dining Facility. My son could live on fries and chicken tenders so he also is quite picky. I've viewed the menu and I think he would be quite satisfied with the selection. Not to mention there are a number of delivery places nearby. Breakfast is mandatory for plebes but dinner you are on your own if you so desire except Thursdays.
What is the app called?
Dont worry, I thought I was too when I entered the military ----- you will get hungry enough that you will eat what they provide.
In Special Operations SERE we were dumped in the fields for the evasion phase on a Wednesday. It was REALLY cold out, getting down below 0 F at night. There was NO food. Even the cornfields were picked dry by deer and other animals. My team and I got so hungry we resorted to looking for roadkill on the side of roads. No luck, but we did find a Wendy's bag with some packages of ketchup.
On a Sunday we were captured and put in the POW camp. On Monday we were given our first meal, a handful of rice and a minnow. I wolfed mine down- it was no different from what I ate when I was assigned to the Korean Army for a couple of weeks. The SF captain next to me couldn't eat his as I guess he was a picky eater and just looking at it made him gag. I surreptitiously offered my hand and he gave his to me. In a real POW situation, I'm not so sure he would have survived.
It is indeed a First World problem to be picky about food.

Vietnam POWs were lucky to get rice. It was often a packet of sugar and discarded fish heads from the guards’ stew. A fresh minnow would have been a delight.

It’s all relative to the situation.

OP will figure it out!
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DD is a human garbage disposal who eats just about anything placed in front of her so she’s the wrong one to ask.
DS is more of a picky eater, but he has been fine with the mess hall food.
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DD is a human garbage disposal who eats just about anything so she’s the wrong one to ask.
DS is more of a picky eater, but he had been fine with the mess hall food.
We sponsored a USNA mid, who, throughout his 4 years in and out of our house, was never seen to eat a vegetable or fruit other than a potato or corn chip or a glass of OJ. We don’t say anything to mids about eating choices, just offer good food and healthy snacks and treat them as adults who can choose. Fast forward, he met a wonderful young woman who pretty much said she wanted him around for the long haul, and if he wasn’t going to look after his health and make better choices, she wasn’t sure if she could deal with that. He now eats salads, vegetables, fruit in all forms, and has a hard time remembering why he was picky.
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