What would be a legitimate weight to get into the air force academy?


5-Year Member
Jan 3, 2010
What amount of weight of a human body mass would be great for the academy is 150lbs okay????
What amount of weight of a human body mass would be great for the academy is 150lbs okay????

Hmm....too open a question.

If you're my height, 6'2"...they might wonder why you were so skinny. If you were 6'6"...uh, NO!

What the AFA is going to look at is:

a. Are you over/under weight per their entrance requirement charts
b. Are you "over fat?"

There's more to it but that's the simple answer.

I'm not 100% on USAFA's limits (never really looked into it), but I think there's a weight to height chart somewhere.

There are exceptions if you are somewhat shorter (5'5'', 5'7'') and weigh 190 pounds, which could be construed as overweight, but is actually due to large amounts of muscle. In that case, I believe they do a body fat test.

From what I've experienced in SS, you don't want to be too muscular but you don't want to be overly scrawny either.
I'm not 100% on USAFA's limits (never really looked into it), but I think there's a weight to height chart somewhere.

There are exceptions if you are somewhat shorter (5'5'', 5'7'') and weigh 190 pounds, which could be construed as overweight, but is actually due to large amounts of muscle. In that case, I believe they do a body fat test.

From what I've experienced in SS, you don't want to be too muscular but you don't want to be overly scrawny either.

there is a chart on dodmerb but why do you not want to be too muscular? most of the football team is off the chart and they do have a body fat test which my son just missed at 185 (5 9") but he did 35 pullups at af swim camp:thumb:
Some of the IC athlets wind up with difficulties after graduation. Sure, the academy likes to have good sized linemen, but the AF has no use for that kind of mass in a guy.
Some of the IC athlets wind up with difficulties after graduation. Sure, the academy likes to have good sized linemen, but the AF has no use for that kind of mass in a guy.

A classmate of mine was varsity FB for 4 years, 4 letters...after the season ended and we came back from the Christmas break...he had to lose almost 60 pounds to meet USAF weight standards and go to UPT.

He retired a couple of years ago after a VERY successful career as an Eagle driver. But we carried him to class for a couple of months as he starved himself.

Ensure! :)

My d was given these during BCT. yuuuuummy!
Being too light isn't a big issue, unless it creates medical problems.

I was under the AF minimums for 3 years here. They place you on the weight gain program. You can get ensure shakes, cliff bars, and sit at a lunch table that gets extra large portions.
You can also make good friends in Basic if you get Ensure, Boost, or whatever the current contract is for protein shake type things. If you had boost and didn't want all of it... you had some people willing to do stuff for it. I'm just mad I didn't get told I needed that stuff.
Can't tell you how many football players entering BCT; my son included; lost 10-40 lbs in 6 weeks. Muscle is definitely different than flab. But you don't have the weight room to work in during BCT. Although, when the rest of the BCT class is playing sports, the football players usually went to the football weight room. (They don't like taking a chance of the IC athletes getting hurt in an intramural type environment). But even with 3-4 trips to the weight room, my son still lost about 10 lbs during BCT.

There's no way to say the perfect weight. 5'5" and weight 180lbs might be too high. But 6'3" and weighing 130 lbs is a little too light. When I first joined the air force, I was 5'9" and weighed 134 (God I MISS those days). I and 2 others were brought to the chow-hall 15 minutes before everyone else. The one guy was fed nothing but rabbit food. Me and this other guy was fed more starches and fat than I can remember. 6 weeks later, I gained a whole 2 lbs. I was a runner. Able to do the 1/4 mile in under a minute. I was use to sprinting all day. Usually, the ones who lose the most weight in BCT are those who build mostly muscle. Without any lifting for 2 months, they lose weight. But there is an air force height/weight type chart. If anyone is interested, a little google search should be able to come up with what is considered "Acceptable Standards". Of course, if you're close to the max; then you will need to look at the whole body-fat situation. But if you're a recruited athlete; especially football; they aren't going to want you to lose weight just to lose it. They are very good at know the weight, height, body fat, etc.... that they want you at. mike....
if you ever frequented the weight room at all during high school or in your free time, expect to lose quite a bit of weight during basic. no weight room and less than usual amounts of food are a recipe for disaster for football players, field and track throwers, wrestlers, etc. i lost like 30 pounds during basic, which sucked cuz i had to gain all that back for track. if you're a runner/swimmer/anything else aerobic, you should be fine, you might even gain a pound or two overall as in the case of some of my squadmates. :thumb: