Staying in shape underway


5-Year Member
Dec 30, 2009
Does anyone out there have any good workouts that can be performed on a submarine? I've made great strides in the way of my physique, and I'd hate to lose it underway (being and old geezer like myself, don't know if I'd ever get it back :p).

Basic requirements are that it can't take up a lot of space, and above all, can not be a noise generating evolution. We have a rowing machine on board for cardio, but other than pushups/situps/pullups, I'm at a loss as to what all I could possibly do without any weights/weight machines, etc.
Does anyone out there have any good workouts that can be performed on a submarine? I've made great strides in the way of my physique, and I'd hate to lose it underway (being and old geezer like myself, don't know if I'd ever get it back :p).

Basic requirements are that it can't take up a lot of space, and above all, can not be a noise generating evolution. We have a rowing machine on board for cardio, but other than pushups/situps/pullups, I'm at a loss as to what all I could possibly do without any weights/weight machines, etc.

I took a pair of 20 pound dumbells onboard the boat back in the late 70s. I used them in the laundry room when doing laundry and the SES (I was a Sonar Tech). You just need to make sure that they are stowed well when not in use.
You have to improvise, especially on an SSN. No doing laps on the missile deck :rolleyes:

On Ustafish, we had a bar in the overhead of maneuvering to hang onto...I must have done about a hundred gazillion pullups on that sucker while standing throttleman watch. I would do as many as I could and stop...then do some more later....then do some more later.
Resistance bands are an option too--they don't take up much space, and are quiet to use. Hubs is a pilot and takes them on trips with him so he can work out "on the fly"
I've heard of guys taking the bowflex dumbells where you can adjust the weight but it takes up the same amount of space. More workouts same amount of space. Other than thatyou're probably stuck with pushup pullups situps and what you can do with dumbells. Just go hard and fast when you are working out to get at least some "cardio".
Jump rope

How about a jump-rope workout? Uses minimal space and not too noisy. It's an excellent cardiovascular exercise and combined with crunches, pushups or pullups makes a great overall physical workout.
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Good thought but there was no place on a fast attack that you can jump rope. The passageways were too narrow and the overheads too low. Maybe on a boomer...
Rower gouge

EM3, if you haven't already visited the site, try
for some excellent workouts and training suggestions. Work toward some goals in terms of time, pace and distance.

Maximize the rower, using same strategies as for other cardio sports such as interval training, sprints, distance rows, etc. You work all the major muscle groups, build a strong core, as well as increase stamina and endurance. Zone out to some tunes, and you will be able to maintain and increase fitness.

Then it's a matter of when onshore, getting in the running and swimming practice.

Hope you've been able to contact the BMC at USNA Admissions in Fleet Coordination. Keep us posted...