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  • Frances,

    Thank you. All I was trying to say is that you are so far ahead of the curve right now. Your resume probably already looks better than mine already, and it most definitely looks better than mine did this time last year. :-)

    Yeah, this site is wonderful. I'm so glad all the moderators and alum pitch in their advice where needed. We can definitely trust their advice. You've already got a new recuit? That's great!

    I'm pretty sure I will, but I'm not going to make a final decision until I see each academy one more time. I'm going out to Navy in Feb and USAFA in April.

    Thanks so much, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your words of encouragement and spot on advice!
    CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR APPOINTMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you earned them! btw you are certainly NOT lazy and dumb having such great accomplishments, so don't put yourself down :)

    As to what you were saying, I was thrilled to find this site as I have had so many questions bottled up and have finally been able to ask them and/or look them up! I hope I haven't been too overbearing :) I've already sent this site to a friend of mine who is also applying to SA's.

    Ditto on see you in the Yard in 2010! (I assume that means you'll be accepting your USNA appointment?) Again, congrats, and I wish you the best!

    Ms. Academy Q's,

    I would just like to say that you have gone above and beyond all that anyone can expect from a high school student. You are one of those people that are going to make me look embarrassingly lazy and dumb in years to come, and I already have appointments to USNA and USAFA! If you just keep doing what you're doing, by next fall, the Academies will be fighting over you. I am so glad to see students pursuing this so tenaciously. I've only gotten to know a tiny bit about you from reading your posts, but those alone are enough to show that you are working harder for this than almost all of your competition. You've asked so many questions already, and I can see in your stats that you've only been on here a DAY. You will have so much knowledge about what you're getting into by the time everything comes to fruition, you will blaze into and through the Academy with flying colors. I wish I had found this resource earlier. It can be invaluable.
    I wish the best of luck to you as you begin the meat of this application process. It's long, stressful, and tiring, but for someone as driven as you, you should have no worries about getting appointments wherever you want.

    I'll see you on the Yard in 2010!
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