Recent content by airplanelove22

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    Running at USAFA SS

    by "weren't that many runs,' How much do you mean?
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    Running at USAFA SS

    oof alright, thanks. I've been running and it's ehh but I'll live :)
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    Running at USAFA SS

    I have one week, and I'll probably run some. I went to NASS last week and ran a bit and found that I'm not in top shape (like I was during sports season)
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    Running at USAFA SS

    I'm not a very strong runner. With the high altitude, how much of a problem will this be???
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    NASS 2018 and questions for girls

    That's interesting! I'll check it out -- thank you.
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    NASS 2018 and questions for girls

    Thank you all :)
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    NASS 2018 and questions for girls

    Hello, I was worried about the CFA. My mile time is currently 7 minutes, and I am worried I won't be able to cut it down. Any tips? Does anyone know what the average time is? Also... What should girls on their period do? Thank you.