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  • I applied to West Point, received nominations, and was considered a competitive candidate for admission. I was medically disqualified by DoDMERB for sleepwalking. On my medical form I disclosed walking in my sleep a few times in my life. It was very innocent and nothing came of it. I have never been seen by a doctor for any issues related to those events. After disqualification we faxed a letter to DoDMERB from my physician supporting my "lack of supporting medical records" for this nonexistent condition (Parasomnia). A waiver was immediately issued by my West Point liaison but the waiver was denied. What other recourse(s) do I have? I have also been offered ROTC scholarships so there is a lot at stake. I have worked hard to get to this point and want to do everything in my power to overcome these obstacles. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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