
I began working as a licensed deck officer in 1975 after graduating from a state maritime academy [School Ship]. I've sailed on tankers, breakbulk and container-ships. I retired as a container-ship captain in 2010. I then worked for a year as a pro-tem patrolman/port agent for the Masters, Mates and Pilots Union. From 2012 to 2016 I worked at a maritime school in the Shiphandling Simulation Department. In March 2016 I came out of retirement to work for 2 months as Chief Mate on a ROS RO-RO vessel.. I'm currently back to being fully retired and loving it!

When I graduated I was also commissioned in the US Naval Reserve. I was a reservist for 30 years and retired in 2005 as a CAPT [O-6].

My older son graduated from Kings Point. He sailed for awhile, but is no longer in the maritime business. My younger son graduated from a state maritime academy and is current sailing as permanent Chief Mate and Relief Captain with Hapag-Lloyd [USA] out of the Masters, Mates and Pilots Union [IOMM&P].

While sailing as captain I was fortunate to have both my sons make voyages with me as deck cadet.

my hobbies include full-contact origami, ant farming, urban cattle rustling... and jumping out of perfectly good airplanes for no good reason..
[NorCal] Xan Phran xi xco bay area
retired ship master


"It's not a miracle.. It's American Seamanship.."



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