Recent content by f4fwildcatfm2

  1. f4fwildcatfm2

    What can I bring to I-Day

    You are going to spend the whole day speed walking with all your stuff in your left hand. Pack as lightly as possible. And absolutely don't bring anything extra
  2. f4fwildcatfm2

    2025 Squadrons

    They care about what they are doing. I'm gonna leave it at that😂
  3. f4fwildcatfm2

    2025 Squadrons

    If you got demons bravo good luck😂 Your cadre are the best
  4. f4fwildcatfm2

    BCT to A-day to Classes

    It's transition week so you're taught about how to get to places and you're also supposed to get all your school supplies. We had briefs on the science of learning so you might have that.
  5. f4fwildcatfm2

    Pay during first months

    You can expect to get between 200 to 400 a month. I think they give around 800 to 1000 on August and January so we can pay for our books
  6. f4fwildcatfm2

    Short Female Hair?

    I'm a female and I cut all my hair off for basic. It was so efficient that I've kept it that way all year. Yeah you will get mistaken as a guy probably. That happens to me a lot which is honestly kinda annoying sometimes. But at least for me having short hair is worth it so you need to ask...
  7. f4fwildcatfm2

    4th Class Year Stories

    One of my best memories from basic was going on a 2 hour rifle run in Jacks. It was horrible at the time but we got so lost that the leadership almost sent a search party after us. For your four deg year, you'll do a lot of things that officially never happened but was a blast doing. You'll...
  8. f4fwildcatfm2

    Advice for the Class of 25

    My bad you're right. It's when they ask for what reason then you'll say sir the answer is ....
  9. f4fwildcatfm2

    Judo Program

    Everybody does boxing not just males - a female who just took it
  10. f4fwildcatfm2

    Advice for the Class of 25

    Mitches food takes a while to get used to so receiving packages is pretty awesome. Definitely was the highlight of my day when I got a package right after bct.
  11. f4fwildcatfm2

    Advice for the Class of 25

    It depends. Sometimes people have friends in the area who sponsor. other times you'll vibe really well with the family you go to for doolie day out during basic and you'll chose them for your sponsor.
  12. f4fwildcatfm2

    Advice for the Class of 25

    Yeah they are allowed once basic is over. The mail room normally gets really backed up in the start of the academic year so I'd recommend sending it to his sponser
  13. f4fwildcatfm2

    Advice for the Class of 25

    A piece of paper saying you did something good or you did something bad. It'll depend on your cadre but some flight's cadre handed them out like candy
  14. f4fwildcatfm2

    Advice for the Class of 25

    It's up to you. I recommend whatever you think you can most easily carry one handed. when you are asked the seven basic responses you'll answer like this: Sir (or ma'am) the seven basic responses are as follows: 1) yes sir 2) no sir 3) no excuse sir 4) sir may I make a statement 5) sir may I...
  15. f4fwildcatfm2

    Advice for the Class of 25

    Hey guys! I'm a doolie and with your basic coming up, I wanted to share some advice. 1) First of all, basic training feels like it never ends but you gotta remember that it is only a really small part of your academy experience. So embrace the suck and remember that it will end. You're going...