Recent content by flmom2014

  1. F

    c-split sea year

    There must be a c-split because there is a midshipman who did not get to go out on his a-split because of an injury and he has been told he will do the c-split. We are still waiting to hear when our son will ship out for his a-split because there isn't a ship assigned to him yet.
  2. F

    c-split sea year

    When does c-split midshipman go out to sea? When will the midshipman that do not have a ship yet go out ot sea?
  3. F


    :smile:Congrats class of 2014. You have worked very hard to this point now keep up the hard work. You are one more step closer to the prize. :smile::thumb::cool:
  4. F

    summer school

    when does summer school start and how long is it? do we pay extra for summer school?