On March 3rd, I received an email from the Naval Academy about my admissions status. I was granted a LOA, as long as DODMERB approves my waiver, which they did today, March 28!
This past friday, I was surprised at school by the Marine Corps with a big foam check with my NROTC MO scholarship money on it. It is going to my first school Rice. I'm super excited and can't believe it's finally here after all these years of working for it and wanting it so badly.
I applied to for a NROTC MO scholarship back in October, everything is in and done. I made the early review board and my current status is "Board Ready and Pending a Decision." My five colleges (in order) are; Rice, GIT, Texas A&M, Duke, and Michigan Ann Arbor.
I have two nominations to the USNA as of right now and my application is complete, except for DoDMERB. I have an appointment with them soon. I'm really excited and can't wait for a response on whether or not a I was accepted!