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  • Proud Mom of a 2016 USMA Grad - Marion Military Institute Preparatory Program Fan
    Hi! Thank you so much! This is our first experience! My dad was retired air force tho I was young when he retired so I don't count that as experience. I can't thank you enough for your offer... My husband and I are very proud and nervous (well I am) though I could not be happier for my son! It is good to know we will have Alabama parents to look to for advice. Thank you again..very much...
    Hi. I noticed your posting of a nomination from AL 06. We live in Munford, AL (AL 03) and our son is a yearling at West Point. Congratulations! You may be a WP or military family and know all the ropes, but if you need any information related to R-Day or West Point in general, don't hesitate to contact us. Also, if you are not already a member, consider a membership in the West Point Parents Club of Alabama....it's a great group of WP parents! Again....congratulations!
    Charles Roden
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