Recent content by JLI22

  1. JLI22

    Waiting Club Outcome Thread

    1)skiergirl24/self/CO/Congressional/PPQ/waiting to hear/16-April-19/ Appointment Accepted 17-April-19 2)SAorBUST/DS/IL/Congressional/Presidential/PPQ/waiting to hear/17April19/waiting 3)VANurse/DS/NY/MOC/PPQ/waiting to hear/17-April-19 4)camotac23/Self/CT/Congressional/CQ/waiting to...
  2. JLI22

    The Waiting Club

    This means so much! Thank you for your encouragement and advice! :) best of luck to your son!
  3. JLI22

    The Waiting Club

    Same here
  4. JLI22

    Anyone still waiting to hear?

    I’m still waiting. I finished my application by November 1, 2018 with 3 nominations and PPQ. There’s another thread called the waiting club with others who are waiting and adding any updates. Also there’s a new thread called the waiting club outcome or something where those who are waiting...
  5. JLI22

    Waiting Club Outcome Thread

    1) skiergirl24/self/CO/Congressional/PPQ/waiting to hear/16-April-19/ Appointment Accepted 17-April-19 2)SAorBUST/DS/IL/Congressional/Presidential/PPQ/waiting tohear/17April19/waiting 3) VANurse/DS/NY/MOC/PPQ/waiting to hear/17-April-19 4)camotac23/Self/CT/Congressional/CQ/waiting to...
  6. JLI22

    2 different USAFA websites

    Huh I’ve visited those all, yet never noticed they were all different websites haha
  7. JLI22

    USAFA Class of 2023 Appointment Thread

    Exactly. This is why the academy stresses that they are focused on the “whole person” concept when considering a candidate. This is also a reason for the interviews in general. You bring your stats to life. It is where you can show how your failures have contributed to your growth as a...
  8. JLI22

    USAFA Class of 2023 Appointment Thread

    Thank you very much for this.
  9. JLI22

    The Waiting Club

    Thank you very much!! And best of luck to you!
  10. JLI22

    The Waiting Club

    Just wondering if anyone has any more insight into the admissions process pertaining to multiple nominations for one academy. I have been through various threads and have a basic understanding, but as I still haven’t heard any word from USAFA, I am growing doubtful if I have any chance left...
  11. JLI22

    USAFA Class of 2023 Appointment Thread

    Dissing USAFA isn’t going to get your son there. He has amazing stats and must be an amazing person with incredible perseverance. Rather than throw a fit on a thread designed to congratulate those who did make it in and plan to serve their country, take this time to remind your son how proud...
  12. JLI22

    The Waiting Club

    Mine never has had the 'synchronizing' page shown. I'm not sure if that means anything. I remember it happening with my application for the summer seminar, but I have checked during the morning hours and never seen it for my portal for class of 2023.
  13. JLI22

    ALO Invisible

    My ALO was very distant and did not respond often (if at all) and i had a different ALO for my interview
  14. JLI22

    USAFA Appointment Hope

    This really helped me today! Still waiting for any news from the academy, and it is killing me! I have a good back up and plan to apply next year if I don’t get in this year. It is really helpful to hear from someone who was in a similar position. Congratulations for all you’ve accomplished!
  15. JLI22

    Appointment flood this week?

    Woah! Congratulations! The wait is killing me too! Good luck to everyone! :)