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  • congrats on joey and her gymnastics and all academic honors - amazing kid. so proud of her.
    Aloha Melinda.....Are you in contact with the Hawaii USAFA Parent club? We haven't heard squat from her since last summer...can you please have her contact us asap...our son would like to know if he can be of any assistance during his 1st period off for new incoming appointees. PM me or email me at eaeaplace@yahoo.com mahalo...
    Congratulations to your DD!!!
    I know how thrilled your entire family must be tonight. What fantastic news! We heard on March 2, and we had to keep asking ourselves if it was really true and not just a dream. My son is so excited that he is finding it a bit tough to stay 100% focused on his classes. Senioritis is affecting him a bit...Our best to you and your family. Hopefully, our DS and DD will meet at the academy. Thanks, batmom
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