Recent content by peterhook

  1. P

    high school junior

    Hi, I am high school junior and my senior give me pressoure because of home work.Some students are also making harassment so i feel very lonely in the school.Its a fifth day in school.Feels great. Thanks
  2. P

    What's next?

    My son got his Appointment on Monday sept. 20th for the class of 2012. In my usual picture happy way, we marked his on line digital acceptance. After all of the hoopla is over, however, I am sitting here wondering what is next...what do I need to know... I am here because of my mother and...
  3. P

    hi there

    Hi Everyone!! I am New person who is just just join this community.I am very happy to be here and have all other members.I hope that we will have frankly discussion and current information sharing regarding to related topics.I hope for a nice time in future. I hope somebody would welcome...