Recent content by SemperFi2003

  1. SemperFi2003

    Hey, sorry to make this public, could we chat?

    Hey, sorry to make this public, could we chat?
  2. SemperFi2003

    Suspension from school

    Will that degrade my application though? As in, will admissions will look heavily down upon my application, if I am required to put it on there?
  3. SemperFi2003

    Suspension from school

    I understand I may have also posted this under the wrong discussion board. I apologize.
  4. SemperFi2003

    Suspension from school

    Hi, I am a junior applying to the Service Academies (most notably USNA, USMA, and USMMA) and I have a question about something that happened to me a year ago. My sophomore year, I made some great and bad choices. One of my worst I made was getting a 3 day suspension from school. I still regret...